Pееing in the pool: Pее thru your swimsuit?

Yes I know this is gross... but say you really have to pее when you're swimmin in the pool.

Do you pее thru your swimsuit or discretely pull it to the side/out of the track... what r u supposed to do?

Periods and pools! i am 12 and started my periods, should i use a tampon?

lol basically pee in the pool, through your swimsuit
but hope nobody have goggles because they will se yellow stuff below you lol

Ladies only please.?

You might as resourcefully take a sh!t while your at it.

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You gain your lazy butt out of the pool and find a toiliet.

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jst pee... u dont have to verbs it 2 one side lol

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im sure alot of people a short time ago do it while its on, cuz i think if family are around they want to make it look inborn

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Haven't you asked this before? Perhaps beside a different account?

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PLEASE do not verbs your suit to one side! What if someone was swimming underwater beside their eyes open? Better however, just DON'T pee within a pool, period! Get out of the pool and find a toilet!

Normal age?

"what r u supposed to do?" Your supposed to hold it until you bring back out of the pool. That's step one. Step two you find yourself a toilet. Step three you use the toilet.

Depo shot helponly got second shot.?

just verbs the bottum of your bathing suit aside and do it. but if there are society in near with you, trade name sure they can't see underwater cause they might see your ____

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i would go through it impose i dont want no one to see

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O.M.G These questions gain worse. Make sure you have a pee previously you swim. Would you like to swim contained by other peoples pee? nah didnt think so!

Period pills?

How can you pee within the pool! Not only are others swimming in within but so are you! Just imagine how much pool hose down you end up swallowing every time you swim!

Morning after pill?

um it is gross but if u gotta go u gotta go =] lately pee through it.. u wouldnt want ppl to see u basically 'taking rotten' you bikini bottoms...! and also so ppl dont see u i would suggest going whileee ur swimming around so they cant trace that it was u :p lol <3

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Well, if the swimming pool doesn't own a toilet...well, I wouldn't swim at hand. Otherwise, just take out and go to the bathroom for glory's sake!

Now if you were surrounded by the ocean, budge for it just approaching the whales and dolphins. No. 1 will go right through the swimsuit and the sea will rinse it out. No. 2 is another story, I wouldn't recommend it.

Test question. this sound out is for you girls.?

i think so

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I am a man, seem to me like most of the women here trying to pretend they are not doing it in the pool. I never met a woman who never did it in the pool. The majority of women are doing it nearby. why to feel shy to read out it.
Just do it as it is. The pool water will verbs ur swimsuite as if you washed it.

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If you verbs it to the side and you are seen doing it and are reported, it could be considered as indecent exposure. Then you own to register as a sexual predator. There are a lot of guys who own gotten picked up for taking a leak contained by a back nouns or roadside and ended up on that record. So if you are really too lazy to return with out of the pool to pee, just work like a moment or two kid and pee in your swimsuit. You are going to enjoy to wash them after you swim contained by your own pissy poolwater, anyway.

How do you know if your period come?

just pee thru ur swimsuit it l go rite thru

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hehehe. this is funny.

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i sure hope i never go swimming beside you. go to a toliet a pee similar to a human.

I have an awkward grill and need assistance!?

WTF. are you stupid or something? I think, unless you're physically and mentally not sufficiently expert to get your * out of a pool and look for a toilet after there's no excuse. Weeing in a pool is horrible and the ammonia in the urine react with the Chlorine also, which make it more irritant.
In a nutshell get your inefficient behind out of the pool and find a toilet.

Is it Safe?

"Don't pee in my pool, I don't swim in your toilet."

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