How do you gain rid of cramp?


How often do u move panty liners?

For me, I drink abundantly of water (room temperature) and basically relax after that and it goes away.

How do a win a flat stomack relativly quick? Like within a couple days/couple weeks?

i believe you are talking in the region of menstrual cramps.

if you are not looking to get pregnant birth control pills will rid of cramps and use up the amount of bleeding.

taking an ibuprofen the day up to that time you get your spell should help

and taking midol while you have the cramps will help

some population say that heat pads facilitate alittle bit too

hope this helps

Question roughly your opionion of breast sizeLADIES!?

well... if it is a stomach cramp you are most likely to sit down wen u acquire a stomach cramp... but if it is a shoulder cramp, get a masach! if it's a arm or leg cramp... i discern your pain!

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