Has anyone have bulimia for 20 years or more? What are the long term effects of this hobby?

I have purged occasionally for the final 27 years. I am 40 years old and might travel a month without purging, but afterwards I might purge 5 times in a week. I am wondering if anyone else is in my situation and if they are suffering physically in any instrument.
Thanks for your time.

Have you ever gotten a turtlehead?

The long term effect of Bulimia is really trajec, I am afraid. The throat cannot fiddle with the constant purging, and will, eventually, start to bleed very heavily, and end in death.
I enjoy seen tons people next to Bulimia, and watched them scarf down huge amounts of food at a time. Then, they excuse themselves to the bathroom. There, a finger is pushed down their throat until vomiting occur. This is very much LIKE Anorexia. Anorexics will basically avoid eating food, spell. The anorexic's body starts to live off the body, itself, and the creature will starve to death.
Bulimic individuals have the really strong desire not to gain freight, as the Anorexics do, but the act of cause all the food to come posterior up, again, will, eventually end within bleeding to death.
Anyone who finds himself/herself forcing food to come put money on up and to vomit the food, is seriously ill, and requests attention. Using medications to force diarhea or forcing a finger down the throat are particularly, very serious movements, and truly must be dealt next to at the doctor level.
Normally, the party doing any of this has a 'not true' self picture of his/her own shipment. To people next to these problems, the mirror just lies! The mirror tell them that they are FAT, when, normally, these ethnic group are extremely thin, and contained by need of nutritious food that STAYS surrounded by the system. It does no good to update these people that they are diluted, when, their mirrors tell them they are lately chunky fat.
Please, if you truly own this problem, and it IS a huge problem, see your doctor and tell the truth. Telling the truth when anyone is anorexic or bulimic is exceptionally hard to do. No one desires to admit that he/she is cause vomiting or diarhea in himself/herself. If you want to stay alive, see your doctor, tell your doctor the truth, and see how the doctor can help out you. I guarantee, you are NOT even borderline heavy if you own any of these symptoms.

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Effects of Bulimia Nervosa

The frequent purging that occur with bulimia does serious trash to the body.

Self-induced vomiting:

# Damages the digestive system: it can cause a peptic swelling which is an area of the stomach or duodenal pool liner which becomes eroded by stomach tart. These are known as peptic ulcer. The symptoms can vary, next to some people not notice anything out of the ordinary but others may vomit blood and experience belly or chest pains. The pain is usually increased when the individual eats or drinks. Peptic ulcer can be serious and need instantaneous attention if you are vomiting blood or passing digested blood contained by your stools.
# Damages the oesophagus (throat), since stomach acid irritates the oesophagus, which can incentive inflammation and raw areas, sometimes making swallowing raw. Of greater concern is a rupture of the oesophagus, because this can be fatal within some cases. A Mallory-Weiss tear is the controlled term for the rupture or tear of the mucous membrane of the oesophagus at its junction next to the stomach. It is caused by repeated vomiting and the human being will have bright red blood contained by their vomit. You should always consult your doctor if you are vomiting blood.
# Brings stomach acids into the mouth, cause the tooth enamel to wear away, and tooth corrosion to occur, giving the teeth a tattered appearance and cavities. Eventually all teeth may requirement extraction. If you are bulimic, it is recommended that you do NOT brush your teeth straight after vomiting. Instead you should drink water, as this will be gentler on your teeth and backing replenish lost fluids.
# Swollen salivary glands
# Stomach cramps and difficulty in swallowing
# Dehydration: The full-bodied functioning of cells and tissues is dependent upon a positive level of marine content in the body. Also, brackish and other minerals need to be kept inwardly a narrow inventory. In a person who have become dehydrated, it's possible they are suffering from a depletion in brackish as well as dampen. Long term dehydration can ultimately organize to kidney failure. Amongst bulimics, dehydration usually occur because the stomach is being empty of its gastric fluids.

Abuse of laxatives and diuretics:

# Causes constipation, sicne the body can no longer produce a bowel movement on its own
# Bloating, water retention, and oedema (swelling) of the stomach.
# Because the body is constantly mortal denied the nutrients and fluids it needs to survive, the kidneys and heart will also suffer. Specifically, a scarcity of potassium will result in cardiac abnormality and possible kidney failure, which can also result contained by death.

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