Morning after pill?

i am at my 4th day of my time of ex and I had sex in need condoms and he did come inside me. do u think it is worth gettin the morning after pill

After your Period does your uterus shift?

It totally is dependant on when you have sex. "The morning pill" or what we in healthcare call, "Plan B" is designed to be taken inside 72 hours of intercource with a second dose taken 12 hours after that. It consists of ingredients found in your standard BCP except in higher doses. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, abdominal torment, fatigue and headache. The morning-after pill — a form of emergency birth control — is used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant after she has have unprotected vaginal intercourse.

Here's how it works: Human conception rarely occur immediately after intercourse. Instead, it occur as long as several days later, after ovulation. During the time between intercourse and conception, sperm verbs to travel through the fallopian tube until the egg appears. So taking emergency birth control the "morning after" isn't too late to prevent pregnancy.

The busy ingredients in morning-after pills are similar to those in birth control pills, except in higher doses. Some morning-after pills contain one and only one hormone, progestin (Plan B), and others contain two, progestin and estrogen. Progestin prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and keeps a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (implantation). Estrogen stops the ovaries from releasing eggs (ovulation) that can be fertilized by sperm.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the morning-after pill is 80 percent successful in preventing pregnancy after a single feat of unprotected sex.

Plan B is available to women 18 years and older minus a prescription at most pharmacies. Women must show proof of age to purchase Plan B. For women 17 years old and younger, Plan B is available near a doctor's prescription.

Hope this helps.Good luck!

Period request for information.?


IS there anything that help stretch marks dissapear or peroxide up?

Yes you can still get pregnant.

How to avoid pregnancy, presently i am pregnant for 8 weeks.?

It can't hurt. You probably won't get pregnant at this point, but if you REALLY dont want to catch pregnant, you should go ahead and acquire it. Your primetime to get pregnant usually starts at the 9th morning after the first day of your length. You can however get pregnant at any time. The younger you are the greater your probability.

Weight loss during pregnancy?

Yes, you can still become pregnant even on your period as you can still ovulate during your time of year.
Did you have sex resembling within 72hrs of posting this give somebody the third degree? If you've had sex over 72 hours ago I'd suggest seeing your doctor for an alternative contraception. I believe you can own the coil fitted upto 5 days of unprotected sex. If not...
Don't forget the longer you leave it the reduced percentage of it working.
Hope this help :)

How often do you receive your period?

Yes, really, shift to the shops and buy the morning after pill. Or go to the doctors for a prescription.

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