I have an awkward ask and need comfort!?

OK here it is..don't think im unexpected but i need lend a hand to get the answer. Im a pubescent and not sexually active. I own this snot like stuff or white stuff that comes out of my area(vigina) I don't guess its normal which next again i never asked anyone either. Please give a hand me !! I was simply wondering because we are studying about the human body within my science class.

Hiiiiii. Pick Me..?

Vaginal discharge is normal and vary during your menstrual cycle.

White:Thick, white discharge is common at the birth and end of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompany by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.
Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and medium you are ovulating.
Clear and watery: This occur at different times of your cycle and can be particularly creamy after exercising.

The things to be worried about include if the discharge have a yellow or green color, is clumpy approaching cottage cheese, or has a unpromising odor. If worried, see a doctor.

Check out this site for some more info:

The medicine and vigour information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical suggestion or treatment for any medical conditions.

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