Does the monthly period spawn tummy bigger?

is this really happens

Has anyone taken 30 plus tablets? did they work for you?

If you are referring to bloating that some women experience before and or during menstruation, after yes the monthly period may contribute to making the tummy achieve bigger. It is said that if you keep your intake of saline in check (since sodium contributes to sea retention (bloating)) that you could keep the amount of distention contained by the stomach at a minimum. So, if this is actually a problem for you or anyone you know, I enunciate try minimizing salty foods and maximize exercise a week before menstruation, and you should be fine.

Can you exercise while have your period? Do you enjoy to wear a tampon?

That happeneds to me. I feel portly!!

How old be you when you got your time of year?

yes it does when on your monthly we as women tend to retain water making us bloat usually go away after a few days.joys of individual a woman

Is it possible to use the fat that be removed during a tummy tuck to augment the breasts?

yes. most women do feel bloated while on their extent. it is water retention.

Girls are so high these days taller than me but how come bring?

Yes. Bloating from water retention. Eat smaller number sodium during this time and it won't be as bad. Also mydol help.

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yes near time time it gets a litttle bigger even it happen to breast but it'll be temporary

What is menstruating?

Yes, Just close to everyone said it's water retention. cut your salt intake and if it really bothers you drink cafein or other diuretics. I lately drink cafein. Midol is supposed to help too, but that's single because it has cafein in it.

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Yeah I know it really happens 'cuz it happen to all of us! Welcome to the wonderful world of human being a woman. :)

What is a girls color supposed to be?

yeah i actullay gain 4 pounds then when i achieve off i lose it

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