Can u explain the logic in: wash hands after toilet & accepting kissing, licking & intake other's genitals?

* cleaness is very significant.
* Touching the genitals by hand, you own to wash, But drinking , kissing & licking by mouth is OK & accepted.
I cann't suffer or understand that! it looks thoroughly strange!!

This is so embarising!! girls only!?

Actually a enthusiastic kiss will spread more germs then giving oral sex. Your mouth have many more germs later your genitals. If the person wash their genitals clean and doesn't own any STD's etc. then it isn't abit germy. The singular thing in attendance would be pubic hair which if wash is clean, semen/orgasm fluids which aren't germy, those fluids if no infection are made straight from the body which is verbs. And lastly is just skin. And approaching I said if you wash the skin on the inner/outer vagina or penis will be verbs, the pubic hair will be verbs and the fluids are not germy.

As long as one washes properly it is tremendously safe. And WOWZERS what fun both giving AND recieveing is. ;)

Try it.. I am SURE you will chaneg your mind! ;)

Do guys surface a woman having an orgasm?

Go final to sleep x

What does it meen when someone makes the peace sign and brings their tongue through?

Well let hope they have adjectives had a valet first as well.

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its not almost how it looks but about how it feel.

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have you never had orgasm by oral?

i can see your point also but most individuals will wash/shower/bath after a good session

Is it ok to ask your doctor near alot of questions?

you apparently havent had director before, effect if yoy have you wouldnt be complaing in the order of how 'unhygenic' it is. youd be trying to get as much as you existence instead of worrying about every little entry



Whats heather water or gaterad?

This is a particularly weird examine.
When you are kissing most peoples ouths i would think are verbs if they participate contained by regular cleaning rituals such as brushing their teeth.
Most people own a shower each morning and women usually wipe the urine off of themselves so this nouns is quite verbs.
While doing a number 2 there are plentiful bacteria which live surrounded by the faeces and so washing your hand is usually a good impression.

Men answering girls only Q's?

my man wash his privates everyday thats clean satisfactory for me,
Its not gonna kill ya hand over it a try you might like it!!

Is pains in the arm and chest associated to pituitary tumor?

Don't knock it till you tried it lol

How can i create my boobs grow bigger?

ur sex life must be boring.

Menstrual cycle irregular please assistance!?

Well, you could loose up and open your mind and your mouth will follow.

You swab your hands because you own been urinating or defecating.. not because you enjoy touched your genitals. You can wash your hand and then lick your fingers right? Or no?

It is equally agreeable to wash genitals. You should at least possible attempt that . they are clean consequently right? The rest is all contained by your mind. After washing your genitals surrounded by preparation for a heaps nice caring and sharing opportunity next to your lover ... why take a prissy stand against fellatio and the cunning linguists?

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