Unexplained weightiness gain?

I am 20 years old and own always be an active track and X-C runner and a amazingly skinny build. I moved to go to another college just about a year ago and suddenly started putting on weight, mostly around my stomach. I started drinking breakfast (I never used to) and ate healthier meal, but no more. I rarely drink fast food or steal out (I'm poor), I am a dog walker so I wander about 5-6 miles a year, I started doing pilates as well, I cut soda and candy almost completely out of my diet (I enjoy 1 Mt. Dew for my 8 hour class on Saturdays). I keep purchase weight, it's highly embarrassing and frustrating for me.

I've be to the doctor and had thyroid and blood test done, everything appears to be normal. Can someone please explain this, I really don't chomp through a whole lot and as decent as I can on a college student budget.

(Women Only Please) What causes this?

This happen to me too. I ran for 10 years, but as soon as I stopped I gain weight minus eating much. I one-sidedly think stress and the tuning in my metabolism have taken a toll. College is stressful. The walking is burning calories, but nothing similar to doing warm ups, speed drills and a long runs. You may be losing some of the muscle that adjectives those years of running put on you, leading to a slower metabolism. Try running a few days a week. It can lend a hand bring your body back to where on earth it liked to be and also relief with some stress.

Good luck!!

Another put somebody through the mill re: PMS?

Metabolism is a different-science for each personage; lots of reasons occure for wieght gain. STRESS can result in stomach fat showing up;

Ok, no more soda's, candy is a no-no.

It may nouns wierd, but go to weightwatchers, giggle, but they know thier business. Simply eating correctly will bound start a weak metabolism; the certainty you admit you devour candy and drink soda is a red flag, you may be doing more eating and smaller number excersizing than you wish to own up or recall,

correct luck

The Male instinctive reaction to twinge?

Are you taking pills (contraceotives, i mean) or something?
I personally gain a lot of waight while taking pills and i can not lose it in a minute, although it's been a year since i took the second one. You might also want to check the level of the hormones within your blood or the function of your thyroid gland - the hyperfunction of it can cause the weight-problems. but do not stir crazy with strickt diets - be aware of the jo-jo effect!
hope you ll find the source of your problems

Girls i hold a question going on for tampons.?

ok first. cut the sugar out of your diet. .....switch to Diet sodas insted of regular and sugar free candy! Yes it may taste horrible but sugars are harder for your body to burn and can cause weightiness gain. Have you been stress intake? staying up late consumption munchies? Binging on eating right in the past an exam? These can be factors as very well. Otherwise on a normal year count your calories and see how many you steal in verse burning while exercising. Another tip, eat a street light breakfast and a light lunch, reclaim the heavier meals for dinner....dont snack to much and if you do stay ontop of vegtables and fruits, and do not chomp through anything after dinner especially nothing two hours prior going to sleep.

When you are on or in the region of to go on your spell do you eat more? Is this conventional or am I just unnatural?

Sudden weight gain ESPECIALLY in your belly is a sign of adrenal dysfunction (or pituitary not stimulating adrenals). Sweet tooth or saline cravings are also symptoms. You really should see an endocrinologist and have them check your cortisol level and do an ACTH. This is a serious disorder so please have it ruled in/out ASAP. Good luck.

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