Contraception back please?

I am thinking of getting a coil fitted as recommended by a friend.

Has anyone had one fitted or know anyone who have one fitted and can share any experiences with me to aid me make my mind up. Pros and cons would be positive.

Many thanks surrounded by advance.


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If you are going to use this as a final means of contraception it is maybe the second best choice, vasectomy being the best!

Go for a Mirena, which releases a small amount of progesterone, that are far superior to the copper coils. Many women who use later bleed much less, sometimes after an initial settling down time of year, and some may stop having period all together.

That end for 5 years and only inevitability a quick twelve-monthly check. Tip if it doesn't suit ant does give you agony problems don't wait own it removed which only take a minute.

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the only piece i trust is a condom or the pill.

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the only disadvantage i can regard as of they can cause your period to get heavier

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you can single have the coil fitted if you hold already had a kid. if you havent i would recommend the inplanon inplant instead. check with your gp first, they will insist on you whcih contraception is most suited to your circumstances.

Is there something wrong when you lately started having your interval and it doesn't come the next month?

eugh... coil's are out dated... If a pill and a condom are too much you can hold a monthly injection or even a chip implant within your arm, which requires very little maintanence...

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Can't your partner have a vasectomy? Since you've have to give birth and matter with the contraception up to very soon.

I got my 1st depo shot (bc) on feb 17 my period are usually 7 days & this period is continuing 2 weeks whats up?

All i can say is deliberate this through, i had a coil fitted two weeks ago 6 days latter could not stand the pain more close to labour distress and had to hold it removed now bleeding vastly heavy and be told i have a cleave where the coil be fitted wish i never have it done,feel so poorly and no energy.the insertion of the coil took me by surprise the agony was terriable so be aware, adjectives i can say is best of luck if you be in motion down this route i wish i have not.

Is it ok for breasts?

Hi hon, try the mirena coil - it contains hormone progestin (a synthetic version of progesterone) which with the sole purpose circulates within the womb. It is great, after a while you don't draw from any periods and although slightly mortified to have fitted it last up to five years. PS you don't have to own had children to enjoy a coil fitted!


the string can be irritating, the coli can move and you can get pregnant also you can procure infection, quite a hassle , best to enjoy pill or injection, im on the pill my self and it is hassle free!

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