I got my 1st depo shot (bc) on feb 17 my period are usually 7 days & this period is continuing 2 weeks whats up?


Medical Help Please!?

Depo provera may cause menstrual irregularities. But over time, your period should stop. The first injection usually causes this response and some women even have some form of bleeding until their subsequent shot. Make sure you go for your shots every 11-12 weeks. If you hang about longer, you will start bleeding again. If the bleeding is heavy(one pad drenched per hour) notify your doctor. You can develop iron-deficiency anemia.
Depo is a good method of birth control, but near are other side effects you should be aware of: * weight gain, delayed return to fertility, expensive method
Advantage: May be used when breast feed, no estrogen, decreased risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer.
Discuss next to your doctor whats best for you.

Does this disturb you?

Your body is adjusting to untried hormone levels.

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Not uncommon. I get the shot one time and my monthly lasted 3 months.

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your body is basically adjusting. if your time last longer, you should chitchat to your doctor.

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Welcome to the world of women's condition issues. Those things mess with your hormones, and can raison d`??tre all sorts of things simply like that. Get to your doctor, seize off that stuff, and of late make love when it matter, using a condom.

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that is truly normal for a first depo shot do not stop taking you shot or mess it up by human being late, when you turn for your next one ask your doctor and see what she or he have to say

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Any good doctor suggesting depot progesterone have a duty to clearly explain to the patient what she should expect. With adjectives progesterone contraception for minimum 3 months and often as long as 6 months, adjectives women should be told to expect what is called dysfunctional or erratic bleeding. This may consist of missed period, extra periods or continuous low level bleeding. Patients must be warned that they necessitate to accept this is going to come about, because being a depot injection, one given it cannot be reversed. Am I guessing you be not advised of this?

There is an up side, for women who verbs with progesterone after 6 months increasing numbers of women will loose at hand period, possibly as many as 60-70% by one year.

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I haven't had my spell for 3 years since I have be on depo

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after my first shot (and individual i might add) i bled for 11 weeks and felt categorically crap on it, so I decided no more. I didn't be in motion back, they said that if id have another it would've stopped the bleeding - yer right!
after that bleeding stopped, I didnt get another spell for 23 months.
I hope you're ok on it though...Good Luck!

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