I have stitches after my transport....is it good doing work similar to sitting work....mobing floor etc?


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Sitting is fine make sure you do the wash after going to bathroom.

I'm not sure why you would be mobbing your floors?

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Your doctor would tell you what exactly to avoid, but sitting work would be alright, I might be leery of mopping until it's be a little while since transfer, you wouldn't want to pull the stitches.

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I've never mobed a floor, but is right that you have a mop contained by your hands 'effect then when your stitches supply way you can verbs up the mess you spill.
NO WAY, BABY!! you get that no perfect, dirty,rotten partner who gave you those stitches surrounded by the first place to clean for you.
This is you ultimate chance to rest and be a mummy. Remember you hold a life time of cleaning up after adjectives of them.practice

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