Im within pieces , since iv realize my boy is stuttering!?

?he is a very sharp boy .. he is intelligent enough to realize that if he cannot steal out a particular word from his mouth , he replaces it with another word .
Also..its mostly beside the A's""and" (an an an and)
Or O's (of of of office)

So ... is there anything serious i want to be concerened?

iv been crying ..yes not around him ..but im super upset

Crazy emotion?

Stuttering is common surrounded by young children when they are going through a new study phase. It is nothing to be concerned most minuscule not yet. If it continues for more than 3 months (I think to be exact what speech teachers say) then you should contact a speech psychoanalyst who specializes in treating stuttering. The Stuttering Foundation of America has a index of therapists who are trained to work with those who stutter. If you want to contact one, ask them if they are comfortable working with young children. Some do better near older ones.

Girls lone please?

I'm sorry your son is having problems beside stuttering. I have had some experience near this. My younger brother stuttered pretty badly starting from the time he could talk. My mom took him to a speech shrink for about 5 years and it helped him greatly. He is now 17 and has have no problems for the past 6 or 7 years. If this has become so much of a problem that it is upsetting you so much, I would suggest looking into speech psychoanalysis for him. I know my mom would recommend it highly to anyone in your situation. Good luck!

Is it regular?

I wouldn't be concerned as children grow out of these types of things and but for speech therapy is a great way of correcting issues similar to this.

Dont get upset, it does not make his wrong or you hold done something wrong. Im going to uni to train to be a speech therapy and theres nothing wrong beside a stutter.

Hope this helps.

How can I recount her, she smells down nearby?

I'n not quite sure what i can voice to help as i have proper experience more or less this, i sometimes stutter myself and find it hard to say words and it get a bit embarrassing.
I guess you will have to look at your son and see that if he is smiling you should be too.
Best of luck!

This is for women, you know the leash breadth when getting a bra size fitting can that loose change over years.?

Well how old is he? When I was really little I stuttered too and my parents be very concerned. Luckily it just subsided... I"m 19 presently and very fluent. If you have huge concerns and don't see the problem going away, nick him to a speech therapist :)

Vaginal infection concord?

I started stuttering as a preschooler. I had speech psychiatric therapy and by the time I was 9 or 10 I pretty much spoke normally. Unless I am startled, or amazingly frustrated, surprised, stressed, etc my speech is OK.

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