Could i be pregnant?

i had intercourse saturday. and today i get my period. does that niggardly im not pregnant.?

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Having a extent signifies that pregnancy did not occur during that cycle. However, if the bleeding is not similar to a regular period, it's possible that pregnancy have occurred and what you are experiencing is implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding occur a bit earlier than expected, and it is skimpy, spotty, pinkish and not red and heavy similar to a period, and does not follow the typical pattern of a time (light to heavy to light). If this is the suitcase, your best bet is to wait at lowest two weeks after a missed period, and see your doctor for a blood pregnancy interview as this is the most accurate way of carrying out tests. If it was close to your period, next pregnancy did not occur during that cycle. However,depending on how long your cycles are and when you ovulate, it's possible that pregnancy could go off during this new cycle. Generally here is no completely safe time during a cycle that you can't catch pregnant.

Do you think condoms can offer you thrush?

it sounds that way

Period problem.?

You cant procure ur period if you are pregnant! Congrats!

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If you got your time of year today (and it is a TRUE period, not simply light spotting), it ability that you ovulated about 12-16 days ago. If you have intercourse 6 days ago, and now you hold a real time, you are more than likely not pregnant. Take a check if you're worried.

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I'm not an expert and I'm not a woman, but if you enjoy sex, you're always assuming risk of pregnancy. I'd look into it.

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yes that process ur not pregnant.

Girl Thing!!?

You can only attain pg if you have intercourse around ovulation time and that's around 12-14 days before your time is due.
Some women have a fluffy period even person pregnant, so it's up to you to judge whether you get a normal time or a light one.
also, some women hold spotting 7-10 days after ovulation, when implantation takes place.

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