I'm confused?

i have little red bumps on my vagina. it cant be an infection, because im a virgin, and its approaching where the skin it, not adjectives the vaginal crap. im thinking it's razor burn? but what can I do to stop it?!

gratitude for those of you that actually answer it, and not a moment ago look at this, and laugh. i appreciate that.

Ladies, hold you ever flown during your period?

-You could enjoy a minor infection of the sebaceous (oil-producing) glands. These growths are fairly adjectives, and can look a lot resembling pimples. The most important point to remember is to avoid — at all costs — squeezing or popping anything! This can in truth make the situation worse. Also get sure you wear clean cotton underwear and use verbs towels to dry off.

-Little bumps and a red over-hasty could also be signs of a bikini line infection. These infections usually go off because a razor can pick up microbes in the bikini nouns and drag it into the follicles that hair grows out of. The fuzz follicles become infected, causing little bumps.

-For some associates, the appearance of a red bump may be a sign of an ingrown hair, which should be treated by a dermatologist. Only a clinician can diagnose you and tolerate you know what's going on for sure.

I hope this helps you and accurate luck!

Women with Teenage daughters solitary please!?

Even if you are a virgin, you can get infections but if it is cut-throat burn you can try to moisturize after you shave. Also, a good tip for after you've shaved is taking a loofah or one of those colourful shower puffs and pulling it over the nouns opposite the direction of hackle growth. This prevents the hair from growing underneath the skin causing those little bumps.

How do u lose weightiness before two months?befroe u travel see the doc?

If you've been shaving down within then it is most possible razor burn. I find applying vagisil powder or any corn starch powder after shaving help prevent it.

Anyone had an I.U.D until that time giving birth?

maybe you should go to the Doctor and see what it is.and your warmth

Facial hair - serious tho please?

it can be a cut-throat burn. but i would get it checked out b/c the other morning i learned you dont hold to only catch std's from sex. you can get them even by sitting on a toilet in a public bathroom. so i would achieve it checked out... just surrounded by case

My Mirena coil is due for replacement but the Dr can't catch it out! How long overdue can it go ?

By "little red bumps on [your] vagina", do you propose on your vulva, the part between the huge, outer lips, explicitly where your vaginal entrance is located, or do you expect on your pubic mound where you shave your pubic spike from?

If it's on your vulva, you should see a doctor right away, even if you are a virgin.

If these bumps are where you shave, of late use a better razor, shave gel and use Bikini Zone gel afterwards.

Bladder leaching problem when running.?

i thinks it cut-throat burn and in that valise after saving put lotion on it, every couple hours to ensure you don't take them. and how to get rid of them, they should be gone within about a week, put lotion and use shaving cream when shaving, not body hose or anything like that.

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