Numb foot during period?

When I'm have my cycle, during the first hours of daylight my foot other feel a bit numb and un-comfortable. Does anybody else enjoy this problem? I'm thinking it's hose down retention but I'm not too sure.


Women's locker room at arts school?

Numb hand or foot should other be brought to your doctor's attention. Do you enjoy a history of high-ranking blood sugar? Does anyone within your relatives enjoy diabetes? It's not a bleak perception that you enjoy an annual blood theory test to check for fundamentals. I wonder if you enjoy an increased sugar comsumption previously your time of year that perchance contributing to your blood sugar spike hence the numb foot. Do gain a regular blood testing to find possible impose. Your circulation is your most far-reaching function and anything related to it, should be checked out.
Good luck.

Mirena Coil Advice Needed?

no its more plausible poor circulation.

"the pill"?

this happen to me also but its more of a affliction than numbness i dont know if its majority...??

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