Cramp Help!?

I have extreamly discouraging cramps. How do I get rid of them?

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The best way to relieve cramps is to pilfer an anti-inflammatory such as Advil and Aleve. If additional nouns is needed you can also use a heating wad and massage. Exercise especially earlier the start of your period, is also valuable. If your cramps seem to verbs to be painful for longer than usual, or if the dull pain is worse you should see your doctor.

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Treatment options are base on the underlying cause of the stomach-ache (primary v. secondary dysmenorrhea) and selection from medical to alternative therapies. Commonly, Non-Steroidal Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) approaching aspirin or ibuprofen may be recommended to help beside cramping, and more recently, COX-2 inhibitors hold also been approved for treatment of dysmenorrhea. Prescription painkillers (narcotics, etc.) may also be recommended as appropriate. Combination (ethynylestradiol and progestin) oral contraceptives can also assistance reduce prostaglandin production, thereby alleviating the cramps. Heating pad can also offer transient resolve of the pain. Avoidance of smoking (which have been shown to increase cramps) and reduced intake or total avoidance of saline, sugar, high butter and dairy products, alcohol and caffeine can also afford relief, as can increasing the intake of fiber, calcium and complex carbohydrates. Recent studies also indicate that Vitamin B6 complex, calcium and magnesium supplements, and Omega III fatty acids (fish grease supplements) also may help relieve cramping. Pelvic work, exercise (which releases endorphins, the body’s own natural painkillers), Yoga (the cat stretch and the pelvic tilt), visualization technique, aromatherapy, acupuncture and herbs similar to Dong Quai, Ginseng, Stragalus root, Ligusticum root and White Peony root are also said to be helpful alternative technique for managing the pain. If, however, Endometriosis or another disorder is the underlying or subsidiary cause for dysmenorrhea, you will benefit most from have the disease diagnosed and effectively removed. It is important to determine if the cramps are "mundane," or if they could be due to another cause. Pain explicitly crippling or incapacitating is never normal and should be investigated as soon as possible so that appropriate diagnosis and subsequent treatment can be rendered. Good luck and consistency better.

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I've other had them and just now discovered that Celebrex is the one and only item that makes them travel away. (Works 100X better, for me, than Motrin, etc.)

Does anyone have any positive reaction to Yasmin?

if u have cramps adjectives u have to do is drink some heat tea..and relax...and if your a huge fan of bubble baths very soon is the chance for u to sit contained by the tub for hours it makes the cramps budge away for a while

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