Why is the cancer rate rising in Asia?

Here is an article that says it will, mostly because of poor strength. Please read article before answering.

How do birth control pills work?

1. Bad form habits - more relations are smoking (a habit Asians adopt from the West), more people are intake junk food and skipping vegetables (Asian foods be previously rich in vegetables and low within fats, but in a minute people adjectives over the world are eating McDiets), and surrounded by some unregulated pollution and industrial chemicals are going to contribute to cancer morbidity and mortality (China, I'm looking straight at you!)

2. Decreasing infectious disease mortality (HIV/AIDS notwithstanding) means relations will by dying of other causes, similar to cancer. Hygiene interventions did a lot of cut mortality for things close to acute diarrhea (namely clean river!). We have vaccines and antibiotics for deeply of diseases that used to wipe out village. So if infections are killing a reduced amount of folks, we can expect something else to step in a fill the null and void.

3. Longer life expectancies imply more time for people (including Asians) to develop and die from cancer.

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