Anyone else notice difficulty sleeping around 'that time of the month?'

Answers:    I usually wake up a lot when it is that time of the month. Sometimes I'll wake up at like one and stay awake pretty much all night. I hate when that happens. I haven't had that problem lately thank God though. So yeah, you're no crazy. =]
It could be stress too... Try laying off the sodas before bed, that sort of helped me..
It happens to me every month. I find I'm not sleeping as long or it takes me longer to get to sleep. I don't usually feel tired but I know I'm getting less sleep than normal.

I'm not sure why it happens but my best guess would be the general discomfort makes it hard to get to sleep and stay asleep..
Yes, menstruation can disrupt sleep. Try drinking chamomile tea with a little honey and eating a little more fish the week before your period. Also, a warm (not hot) bath can ease your sleep and your discomfort. yes, it's kinda hard to sleep when you are in pain.
not really. I actually get very very i sleep very well! :D I do but im a heavy bleeder and have to use the bathroom several times. I ordered a diva cup and a moon cup to try and help this maybe this would help u too. 4 me so far so good .
when i get my period i never noticed difficulty sleeping

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