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Do I potentially have UTI? A Uriniary Tract Infection?

I am lone 15 years old, not at adjectives sexually active, not pregnant and only just a normal womanly. I have a small amount of irritation close at hand my urinary tract, and it stings if I clench the muscles.

What could this be? A simple bacterial infection?

I can't get to the doctor by this week [earliest I can is Monday], my parents are busy. The dull pain seems to be subsiding but I own a lot of milky-white discharge.


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I sounds like you enjoy a PH inbalancement in your vagina which is causing the white discharge. In other words you own a yeast infection. In order to find back on track, you must first start by stop by your pharmacy and go to capture some monasat 7 day treatment. It's profusely gentler for a girl who has never have sex to insert the suppositories her vagina. Second, eat seriously of plain white yogurt. This a natural path getting your PH balance rear legs in your vagina. In regard to the UTI drink a lot of diluted cranberry liquid. I t will help but don't skip the doctor's appt. Good Luck my dear.

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go to the drug store and take some special medication cream for this kind of stuff.

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If it burns when you pee, and you feel approaching you have to stir, even when you know you don't, then you probably own a UTI. And you don't just obtain them from having sex, sometimes, microbes just get into the urethra. Don't worry, you will be fine. Until you can find to the doctor, drink nothing but hose and cranberry juice to flush out your system, and relieve some of the backache. The doctor can give you antibiotics, and a agony pill that will make your pee ginger. Take care.

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Sounds like you may enjoy a yeast infection. It can be treated with over the counter medication, try calling your dr. update them your symptoms and the doc will usually call you rear legs with a perscription or convey you what you need to lift. Hope this helps.

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im 13 and have already have a UTI and i would say to draw from it checked out asap because it can get worse and spred adjectives the way to your kidneys. My mom get UTI all the time and if she doesn't grasp it checked out with surrounded by a couple of days it gets tangible bad. (does it sting when you dance pee?) UTI are very everyday and could happen to anyone! you dont obligation to have sex to draw from one. One thing you want to be sure of though is to own clean undies on at adjectives times (unclean undies can result in a UTI) very well it think to be precise it! hope i coul help!

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Try going to your arts school nurse if you feel comfortable and she can furnish you more advice on what it might be and what to do until you can attain to the doctor. And if you really feel close to you can't wiat until Monday, tell your parents that you really mull over something is wrong, and hopefully they'll be able to work things to receive you to a doctor.

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could be a simple yeast infection. drink plenty of dampen or cranberry juice today and turn see a doctor tomorrow or if you get really sick run to er.

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