Is there any other means of access you can get rid of a urinary tract infection in need prescription?

Because I cant tell my mom because I have one last month and she asked me if I be having sex which I'M NOT and presently if I tell her this time she's gonna massacre me. So is there any other method?

HELP! i didnt have my time of year last month?

I hold been going to the Doctor for over 25 years for bladder infections, and trust me - cranberry liquid will ONLY help you avoid an infection, not cure it. The liquid coats your bladder and helps keep hold of the bacteria from sticking to the facing (this is what causes an infection).

Sex is not the solely way to attain a UTI. Your water intake may be low, bubble baths can irritate down in attendance, holding it too long, you MUST wipe yourself from the front to back when using the restroom, and you could enjoy a narrow urethra (sorry, I know this is kinda TMI, but if you are going to gain these frequently - you need to know what is going on).

Increase your sea intake, stay away from caffiene - and go to the Doc. Take AZO or Uristat for throbbing relief until you bring back in. Tell your Mom that you own one. You need to dance because the infection can spread to your kidneys and pretty much cause you a lot more trouble. It is a genuine pain within the butt to deal near these, but some people only just are prone to getting them a lot. Welcome to the club.

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carnberry Juice!

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water and lots of it as powerfully as cranberry juice=if you are using a perfumed wipe it could be the culprit

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Cranberry Juice and lots of sea also they sell contained by tsome pharmacies an over the counter medication to relieve the bladder stress when you have a urinary tract infection its call AZO and they also come with cranberry liquid in them Good Luck finding them usually Walgreens hold them

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urninary tract infections can be a result of sex, but in your case, it funds that you are holding your pee instead of going to the bathroom when your body is telling you can try cranberry liquid and if you douch, stop.but this type of infection can cause serious problems, even should convey your mom...and be sure to tell her that you are putting rotten going to the bathroom when your body is telling you ..your doc will confirm that

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This is a highly serious matter. It can wreak more serious problems if you do not get it treated untimely. You do not want PID/Pelvic Inflammatory disease, which can lead to sterilization/infertility. There are several free clinics out there. Call the county hospitals,check the sickly pages or look on-line. I want you the best of luck.

Take Care!

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