I missed concluding months period, & gain 15 lbs. My tubes are tied, tests read aloud Im not pregnate.... HELP ! ! !?

Im 31 years old, and surrounded by good strength. My periods are other on time, to the exact minute essentially. I have not have a period since January 22. I hold gone from 145lbs to 163 in two months. My tubes be tied after my last kid was born 4 years ago. Could something be wrong?? Could this be a tubal pregnacy? I enjoy taken 2 pregnacy tests and the results be NO both times.

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When doctors tie your tubes they are supposed to put 2 clamps on both of them to double your protection from pregnancy. Perhaps your doctor only put 1 on respectively tube? Then one of your eggs would have a much better haphazard of getting through. Also, to the best of my knowledge it's not 100% effectual so there's other like that 1% indiscriminate you could get pregnant. I know that the tests are glum but those home ones are not always right. Tubal pregnancy - I feel it is possible. If I were you I would run see a doctor as soon as you can to see what's going on. It could be something completely different than pregnancy. Good luck and I hope everything is okay!

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Well if your tubes are tied and you did find pregnat.... than you can sue whoever tied your tubes... and get alot of money! so look forward

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You are retaining fluid for some drive.

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i would go see a doctor if i be you! this might be a bad medical problem. i hold never knew in the region of anybody to gain more than 20 lbs in 2 months!

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GET TO YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY!!! Chances are you could be pregnant and sometimes women can take adjectives the at home tests they want and it will say aloud negative! Sometimes to capture an acurrate reading you have to hold a blood test. And if you're not pregnant at lowest they can tell you what is going on! its a big traffic harmful to you and potentially your babe, go right away!

GIRLS ONLY, please.?

get a x-ray rapid!

Doctors girls only.?

My mother took two pregnancy question paper when she was first pregnant beside me, and the both came out denial. Two months later when she go to the DR and it came stern positive, the doctor set my due date based on his interview, not the Over the counter test, motto "those test are almost other right". However, 7 months later I be born at 7 ln 9oz (full term). He then apologized and said within was no path I was lone 7 month along and the Over The counter test have to be wrong.

So these tests aren't 100% correct. If you hold a tubal Pregnancy it is even more important that the DR see you A.S.A.P. SO GO AND SEE HIM/HER/

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It is VERY RARE , but you could have a tual pregnancy even after have your tubes tied.
Do Not sue your doctor if that is the defence. It should have be in the consent form that you signed allowing the surgery to own your tubed 'tied' that it IS a VERY small risk.
In tubal pregnancy, it is more likely to return with a false negative result from a urine stick tryout. You need a blood try-out.
This should be addressed by a qualified OB-GYN, and as soon as possible. Tubal pregnancies are treacherous.
You could have an ovarian cyst, or an other curious disorder.
See a doctor ASAP.

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