Am i toooo?

ok i am 13 and i am 5"2 and i way 80 pounds am i tooooo skinny for age and higth and i barly hold any boobs that makes me surface like an unormal personi can`t bear it .

I have tried everything when i shave my legs i procure razor burn and it hurts really unpromising what doi do HELP?

It's okay I'm 15 and somewhere like 93 pounds i'm smoothly very skinny and petite (5 foot 3 or so) it runs in my family connections. i have extremely small ones as well! agree to's hope for the best. I WANT THE PERSON WHO ANSWERED ABOVE ME TO NOT BE SUCH A FREAKING JERK! I'M NATURALLY THIN AND SHE PROBABLY IS TOO . . . THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE THAT! ACCUSING HER OF AN EATING DISORDER IS SICK. YOU ARE A SICKO! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER SO SHUT YOUR SICK MOUTH.

How do you handle vaginal dryness after sex?


Hair loss at a infantile age?

Yeah your pretty skinny

Please answer?

yeah, you're REALLY skinny- you're about 30 pounds underweight
try to settle to your doctor about achievement weight contained by a healthy process!
good luck!

What humane of hormone pills can a female pinch to get bigger breast,butt,hips,longer quill and nails &clear skin?

You should be at least possible 100 pounds or it is an unhealthy bulk. You will not have breast at this skinny.

Can you do anything.?

thats sounds thin but if your full-bodied I wouldn't worry. You will start to obtain more curves in a couple of years. suspend in nearby!

All the questions nearly pregnancy?

You should weigh 90 or 100 for your age and weight. But it adjectives depend on your body. You may not get boobs for awhile. My sister be anerxic when she was 13 and she didnt procure boobs until she was 14 (she have weight 80 pds) Now she weigh 110 and looks great! You should realy ask somone who knows you, and looks at you surrounded by life.

Whats a gynecologist?

You probably haven't fully developed all the same! You seem a bit to skinny but be smiling! skinny is a good piece!

Is this strange or wierd?

it's hard I know to continue for ur body to grow into itself...but trust will match up soon...lurk like 3 yrs.ur 13...don't verbs about ur body too much...everything will move...and ur shape with develop within for the boobs...i don't know...u could be a slow grower.skulk and see..good luck..contained by the meantime urself.

Women only?

You are pretty wiry, and still young. Your breasts will grow, but you do entail a certain amount of body fleshy for that to happen. Are you intake enough natural foods? Protein, veggies, whole grain, etc. How about exercise? That is meaningful for building muscle and helps you metabolize your food. If you are pretty vigorous and your doctor is not concerned, then you have need of not be either.

Girls w/ time help?

Here is a core rule of thumb to remember for life.

100 pounds for 5 foot.

5 pounds for every inch over five foot.

That says you should solidity 110 pounds.

The mammary glands (the breasts) are a lot of grease, and you do not have any.

You want to eat a better diet to lend a hand gain to a healthy counterbalance.
Being radically underweight can motive many illnesses so try to bring your weight up to 100 pounds at least possible.

Good Luck.

Does the food you eat affect the odor of vaginal secretion?

Goodness- Your BMI is 14.6 and Underweight is considered 18.5 and under. I too am severely thin, but heck even I am at 17.2. I suppose it is time to see a doctor for whatever consumption disorder you may have, or form problem. It is ok to be thin, but not this trim. You are extremely underweight and I would be very concerned for your form and well mortal. Please get the assistance you need to catch some weight on your bones. It is also impressively unhealthy and complicated on your internal organs.

A question something like IUD (paraguard)?

im 13 to & i way 80 & i craving my boobs were smaller!

weigh: ive other been the skinnness in my class 2! the dotor told me i will gane weigh anytime very soon but time being i should chomp through as much as i can! so u should do the same!

boobs: your lucky! when i bargain 2 guys they dont look in my eyes they look @ my chest ( i detestation it) i have 2 snap them out of it adjectives the time! so be glad 4 now!

How can u make clear to if someone is on birth control?

All you other Idiots suck. She doesn't have an intake disorder. She's just skinny. Nothing is wrong next to her. She eats more than I do. I should know because she's my sister.
All you jerk need to procure a life and stop ruining peoples hours of daylight and hurting their feelings.
Hey "hyper woman" zilch's wrong with you and you don't entail to worry roughly speaking it.
You rock!

Love Your Sis.

I've never been one for sweets but just this minute i've started to get nausa if i dont put away something sweet everyday?

i feel sorry for you hold a boyfriend?

If u have cancer can the doc make clear to with the blood audition they do while pregnant?

You are way too skinny. Gain some counterbalance!

Is there any point in me taking The Pill at the moment?

yes u are underneath wait.
i suppose ur average weight should be between 90 and 105
but i cogitate ur case is inherent regarding what sister said. ;)

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