I took plan B the subsequent morning but I took the second pill 2 hours unpaid, should I verbs?

Answers:    It might reduce the usefulness slightly, but you'll probably be ok. Good luck.
no because it can still work up to 17 hours later. Yes you should.

Not solely did you not follow the directions but you are having wanton sex. The Devil may hold a special place in hell for you if you don't renovation your ways.
The "morning after pill" is a high dose of birth control pills taken inwardly 120 hours (or five days) after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy. The sooner it is taken, the more effective it is. Emergency contraception (EC) is not to be confused beside RU-486 (mifepristone), a pill that causes medical/chemical abortion contained by pregnant women within 49 days from the first year of their last menstrual length. Well ur probley ok it will probley still be affective but there is still the fortune that it might not be . It is very crucial that you take these med.s as they are perscribed to be taken. i dont become conscious how u all find it an major enuff situation that u can make it to ur appointment seize the medication take the first 1 or2 dose's but u forget or receive lazy roughly takeing the rest. sheesh girls ur body is a temple and we should all bear care of ourselfs, respect love and twig ourselves becarefull what u put in ur body and becarefull to do it right if u must. But Most importantly Be carefull who u share urself near, be sure ur ready to handel and the guy is worth risking thes sort of major life span changeing consicences with if the worst should come to pass.

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