Is my wife in perimenopause?

hi my wife have been getting frenzy attacks for two years it started after she had a virus the doctors hold put her on meds and have immediately referred her to a counciller we think it is more to do near peri menopause she is 42 years old nad for roughly 3 weeks in a month she is outstandingly moody we cant talk to her as she flies sour into a rage her stomach get very bloated purely before her extent we no longer have sex she is other tired she keeps getting hysterics attcks pefore her period she comes out next to a bad crust of urticaria as well she also have nausea her mother had her menopause at 39 which we told the doctors she also complains of standard aches and pains and is constantly taking paracetomal she have told her doctors of her symptoms and they said that they cannot find any medical reson for her pannick attacks or hives and have given her antihistimins she seem to spend most of her time at the docotors and has continious bouts of viral infections please can you relief thankyou

Im confussed about this?

Yes, it really does sound as if she is perimenapausal. I suffered next to the same symptons as your wife and I can inform you its very weakening. Trouble is you know your doing it but you cant stop it. If I were you I would receive her to go and see her g.p. again and ask him to bring back a blood test done to see the state of things. They can bring up to date by doing this special blood test and if it turns out her hormone plane is diminishing then he could suggest putting her on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). This is one tablet a daylight and it does help you to consistency better. Please try this as I feel this step could really lend a hand her. If early menapause runs surrounded by the family the g.p. should really look to this. I will her all the awfully best and it will get better, I promise although right immediately it probably seems it wont. Its no globe game any for you sir, but just be within for her and let her know how much you precision. It will help. Good luck and hope this help.

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thats not premenopause. she have stress issues.

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A simple quick blood exam can determine her hormone levels and thus, perimenopause. From in that, a health guardianship professional can determine the next plan of treatment. I am surpiried that not a soul has mentioned this to her. There is clearly no need for her to suffer so. Good Luck!

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I would expect the panic attacks are not related to perimenopause.

She wants a complete blood workup. If she isn't getting results with the doctor she is seeing, do move about to someone else who specializes in women's vigour.

Whatever she has, she have a variety of symptoms, and she wishes to get checked out, for both your sakes!

Good luck!

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Has your wife had her hormone level checked? If she is perimenopausal, her hormones may be going haywire. If she can't get a clad answer from the Dr. I'd switch Dr's. See if she can find a female gyno. They know more going on for these things since they all enjoy personal experience with them.
What sort of virus did she have?

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And the successful diagnosis is...drum roll please...PERIMENOPAUSE! I'm 48 and have other had anxiety, but a couple years ago, I have severe panic attacks and gloom depression. No sex drive, and MOODY, MOODY, MOODY! I would have my ordinary spazzy energy, consequently go into days where on earth I'd just fairly sleep, because I just feel YUKKY! Before my period, I'd bloat up resembling a blowfish and be on the edge of my ending nerve. And nausea I perceive reminds me of morning sickness. When I get stressed out, my tummy breaks out within tiny bumps. The doc said it's permenopause that's making me feel yukky and a tad on the nutty side. I hold Paxil for the depression and attacks. I also use progesterone cream.(over the counter) Us pre-change-of lifer's get low on that stuff. I still grasp a little spazzy and fatigue still haunt me from time to time. My "dark" times don't last for days anymore any. As for the sex drive, I'm workin' on it!

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She requests her estrogen, thryoid and other endocrine levels checked. Thyroid or other endocrine disorders are normally associated with extreme fatigue, allergies, etc. She might also want to draw from a CA-125 in fluffy of the bloating/fatigue combo especially if she has experienced increased frequency/urgency of urination. Backtrack to the medication she be treated with for the virus and see what side effects are reported from that also or drug interactions near others she might have be taking at the time. Good luck and God bless.

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Sounds like hormonal unbalances, something I suffered near until a month ago when I discovered Sotto Pelle. This is bio-identical injected hormonal pellets that return a woman's body to everyday levels. I too come from a loved ones with untimely, painful, horrible menopause. I have suffered for years and in one trip to the doctor enjoy stopped ALL symptoms! Not sure if one is in your nouns but try calling 480 874 1515 in AZ or 760 773 2616 in CA and ask them. He is the original doctor surrounded by the US. Also go to
Good luck--it is wonderful to perceive physically like a childlike 30 year old again and no ache and pains or fatigue.

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