Is this mundane when first starting birth control?

I started BC for the first time on May 27th (sunday) when my period started. I have it for a week then it stopped. I started spotting characteristics of a lot this long-gone Monday June 4. Is this normal? Also my fuzz has be falling out a lot more than usual, similar to 8-10 strands come out when in a handful. Is this adjectives normal or should I name my gyno and as for another kind of BC?

Thank y'adjectives for taking the time to answer!

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Irregular spotting between period while on the pill is called "breakthrough bleeding" and is considered commonplace, as long as it stops by the 3rd pack of pills. If it doesn't you may need a different formulation.

The hackle loss is also pill related, and is directly linked to the hormone fluctuation. It will taper past its sell-by date. It is similar to the hair loss to be precise associated with prenatal, post-partum, and post-lactating women, again because of the hormones.

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I don't know about the quill falling out, but remember we lose a lot of fuzz every day. Your bleeding is regular. It is called break through bleeding and can arise for awhile. Your body is getting used to the hormones. If the bleeding lasts for to long you can ask your gyno to switch to a different height of hormonal pill.

Serious answer plz?

I'm now surrounded by my second month of birth control and thats all commonplace. I had my spell for the WHOLE first month. Once you get to the at leisure pills, you period will start and next go away and after things will be back to middle-of-the-road as soon as you start the second month. If not, then bid a doctor or a Planned Parenthood and see whats up.

Im scared?

The spotting can be your body adjust to the hormone change. Your mane falling out is definitely a side effect. I would ask for another type of BC.

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My first month on BC didn't be aware of any different than my regular period...( I'm on it for robustness reasons). However after the first month my period be only four or five days long and almost no cramps (almost no cramps be like glory after what I put up with). If it doesn't get better you might want to call upon your doctor.

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