Could this be the menopause?

i was due my monthlys on the 14th feb and have spotting on the 13th
its now 41 days and still no length
should i be worried
i have no symptoms of impulsive menopause
im 44

What are the symptoms to show somone is goin to start thier periods?

I started menopause at 39, could be the start of it for you, dont be worrying, no big do business if you dont let it be, your Doc could conceivably check your hormone levels, although may be to hasty in the complete affair to tell much, research into adjectives that is on submission for you if you are menopausal, good to be aware of adjectives treatments, issues etc.surrounding this rather liberating time of time. GO GIRL !

What is this?

Periods do start going haywire in ones 40s. I was 44 when my menopause begin and 46 when it ended.

What age to girls stop growing?

don,t be worried more or less the menapause..cos if you will stick in your mind..merely give docs..a sudden ring..and forget about it..relish life to the full..seriously of men and women..both get the menapause contained by different ways..and it seems to receive them freaked out..and worries them for 39..and won,t pinch getting older..body change.. too serious..

Medical question concerning the menstrual cycle?

Could be "the come to an end of the curse" honey!

Actually it may be just that. I have early menopause. I be only 32 and it be done and final but I suffered severe symptoms for the next 10 years. It took that long for my body to transform.
So... if you have no other symtoms so far you are particularly very lucky.


I would approaching to know can the morning after pill affect your periods and fertility?

Are you on birth control pills? If not, afterwards yes, it could be early menopause. I'm 48 and already over it! I have it early, as did my mother. As long as you're not have any pain, confusion or other troublesome symptoms, I wouldn't worry give or take a few it. I would keep a log book and chart contained by it when you start and stop over the course of six or seven months. That way, the subsequent time you see your Doctor, you can show him/her and discuss it. By the way, when someone lately begins menopause, you may not hold symptoms, so you can't go by that. Not everyone get hot flashes or wild mood swings. Unfortunately I did but that's another story! Good luck!

Question for women on the pill (called Loestrin* 20)?

you notify me that one i am going through the exact thing

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