Afraid the blood will go trough my pant?

I do tae kwon do and there I own to wear all white...I am other afraid that if i get my time that it is going to show!!

I will be 45 subsequent month?

Put in a super-absorbency tampon right earlier practice. You should be fine. You can always sit out if your time of year falls on a practice day. I other just want to take hold of some jammies, chocolate, and a good movie to cuddle up to!!

My cherry be popped and..?

If you wear tampons then also wear a panty liner or a regular wipe also!! Go to a thicker tampon also!

Is it normal to drip blood into the toilet when on your time of year?

one word tampon

My nipples have be weird lately?

Do the "double protection"= tampon and a contracted maxi pad. I own never had both of those things go amiss me.

Do I need to lose 10 more pounds?

tampon+panty liner=WOOHOO! itll be ok trust me

Is it possible to ride the menstrual cycle?

being a guy here, does not thosse tampon things turn up in side satisfactory to absorb any leaching, befor it gets out.

Scared and embarrised?

Wear a "super" or "super extra tampon. If you're still worried, do what the other ladies said and put a panty liner on as in good health. Your tae kwon do class can only be a few hours anyway, so you shouldn't leach through all that surrounded by that amount of time!

Can too much Caffeine cause breast discomfort?

den u use a tampon

Is it true you have to lose your virginity formerly you start using tampons?

you could always wear a pantyliner if you know when your extent is going to come. Other wise wear a tampon and a wipe.

Okay so im restating my question how commmon is for a girl to break her hymen from one finegred?

Put a tampon on immediately previously you go to tae kwon do.

Why do you own to flame sterilize the inoculating loop before and after using?

Wear a suoer tampon and transmute it right before and after class. You might also want to wear a wad or liner for extra protection. (they have a playtex sport tampon explicitly supposed to provide lots of protection during physical activity)

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