Gardsil shot - to win or not to get hold of it?

My mom was diagnosed with cervical cancer just now.Luckily it was it the earliest stage and all they have to do was a D&C and a Cervical Conization to remove the cancerous cells.They removed adjectives the cancer and said it is very unlikely that it will come back. Anyway, I've hear about the Gardasil shot and how it can help prevent cervical cancer,but I've also heard that it can cause some serious side effects contained by some, like infertility..and birth defects within their unborn children. Not to mention blood clots, and a few others that I forgot.
I have something called Neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen's Disease). Nothing too crucial. I have a mild case of it. only lots of freckling and cafe au lait spots. And my entire right calf has a sponge-like -rubbery un-formed muscle. Doesn't really bother me much, but with it comes arbitrary of blood clots,to make a long story short,my disease already puts me at risk for clots..and then I took this shot would i not be at a difficult risk?

I am 24 yrs ol

Is this typical?

Don't get it!

READ and RESEARCH this "vaccine" before you even consider getting it.

39 yr feeble skipping period for 3 to 4 months?

Some of my friends hold gotten it and their side effects have been merely extremely hormonal and emotional, and the day after both of them get it, they puked. But other than that for the first 1 to 2 days after they got the shot, they both enjoy been good. Talk to your doctor in the region of it and see if they would recommend it or not. I heard that they dont do it if you are over 25.

How um do u put a tampon contained by lol srry?

get the shot, none of those side effects are true, it is nil but good for you to have

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