Why my girlfriend every time when she return with to an orgasm she feels resembling she wants to pee, is that commonplace?


Ovulating Question?

Yes, that is completely average.

Womanly question?

Yes, this is common. It is also good for a girl to pee after have sex to prevent a UTI (urinary tract infection).

Is there anything innate i can do or eat to label my period finishing for 2 or 3 days instead of 6 days?

yes it is......if she empties her bladder past hand, she won't enjoy to worry....it may still discern like she have to go but she won't

OK i enjoy a shaving problem. I need some accurate advice. sound out is below.?

yes its normal

What is your favorite place to capture Pizza?

EVERY time ?
How often do you run ?
If it bothers you ask her to go back.
You have in recent times poked around there near that wimmpy rod and maybe jossled her bladder and woke it up. Give up and tolerate us help her.

I ate a tampon on a betisthat impossible?

It completely normal and if you do it right you can label her squirt try having her drink a full chalice of water until that time hand.

OK when i have my period this month it be a bright red almost orange is this mundane?

It is very mundane to feel close to you have to pee,but it isn't urine that you will surpass.there a sack attached to your bladder that's where on earth the fluid comes from.and drinking water wont sort a girl squirt.if it does chances are she peed on you...yuck...... that ending part be to comment on the other answer.

What happens when you own sex while on your peroid?

It is normal for women.

She should pee formerly. But if that doesn't work and she is too afraid to reach orgasm, she should try to play near herself and achieve orgasm that opening. If she does it in the shower she won't hold to worry because if she does pee (unlikely) at lowest it will end up contained by the shower and not the bed.

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