Uh...sorta embarassing examine...please answer?

so...sorta recently for former times maybe 2 weeks I've be itchy down there...anybody know why i.e.?

Pain in lower abdomen after OBGYN drop by?

err..are you male or feminine?

I have a quiz about my vagina?

yeast infection.. =/

P.M.S. cause by a natural hormone during that time call ' Oestragen ' . . . Ever heard of that ?

Maybe you enjoy a rash. Maybe you enjoy a bladder infection. Maybe you have a yeast infection. Hey, why don't you progress to the doctor since it's been bothering you for two fricking weeks.

What is a hickey?

It could be a bacterial infection, it could be a viral infection, it could be a fungal infection, or it could be an allergy (usually to detergent/soap/something similar to that).

They are all different and have need of to be treated differently. You will need to see a gynecologist to determine what is cause the itching so you can get treated appropriately. Without a doctor's call round, nobody can tell you for correct.

I'm on birth control.?

This could be many things. Be sure to keep hold of the area verbs and if this issue persists or if you develop any other signs a moment ago see your doctor. You are not alone in these embarassing question. You might even check out the CDC's website.
Best of Luck to You

Pleasemature answers ONLY. Nothing rude. Is this normal for women who've have babies.?

can be anything from infection to early diabetes. Go see a doctor, attain examined and then you will know- and obtain rid of it.

I always hear give bitrh is really stinging.can anyone tell me how itchy is it?just curious to know.tq.?

Itching is usually cause by one of the following 3 things:

1. Poor hygeine
2. Yeast infection or some other vaginal infection
3. Rash or skin sensitivity

Try to eliminate what is cause yours by keeping clean and varying your detergent or switch to cotton underwear.

If neither of those work, suspect an infection, esp. if there is discharge that smells or looks funny (green or resembling cottage cheese).

Period Question, Girls Only!!?

Have you changed detergents? Sometimes that's a problem. It could be a yeast infection but that would most likely hold a thick white discharge. Could be a bacterial infection which would probably hold an odor. Go to the doctor and get it checked. Hope you be aware of better.

Is it possible to get a yeast infection by using the Pulling-out method?

You really should turn to the doctor and get it checked out. It may be something minor, but if it is an infection or something similar, it will solely get worse. Without the use of appropriate medication, it probably will not go away.
Good Luck!

About Plan B pill?

Get checked for and STD and catch checked for a vaginal infection (vaginal infection isn't an STD, ie: yeast infection). If you come up clean it may be a topical soap/fabric softener on your clothes or new soaps you're using in the shower.

Any of u other women enjoy same prob when pms is virgeing?

Sounds like a vaginal infection, probably a yeast infection...but nearby are other possibilities. Since you have never experianced this in the past, you should go to the doctor to see whats up. In the meantime, where on earth baggy cotton pant and underwear. Drink lots of cranberry juice and possibly go to your drug store and gain yeast infection treatment.

Playtex Sport does not expand,leaks & slides down?

It could be a yeast infection, nearby is medicine that you can buy at your local drug store for that. Did it receive itchy after you had sex and the guy used a condom? Could be an allergic aversion to latex. The best way to find out is by visit your doctor, yes it can be embarrasing, but its better than being itchy for awhile.

Why am I have such a hard time consumption?

If you don't bathed often the urine build up and germs can cause vaginal itching. Or it could be a vaginal yeast infection..

I missed my term this month and took many test that came spinal column negativewhat gives?!?

Use dettol drops within water & dust it frequently or maybe savlon it's let concentrated. Use oil resembling coconut to keep it moist. If still afterwards see a doc immediately mayb an infection & rememeber to be verbs.

Will metapharm tablets cause sleep and frequent urination sensation?

If adjectives else fails ask your druggist for lotion for "walking dandruff" or those types of things.

Sex ? and my boobs are gay. lmao.?

umm... do u shave that area or something? B/c that could be a lead to!

Why do i have fleece on my vagina?

Here are symptoms of different kinds of infections you could hold:

Symptoms Of Yeast Infection
Intense itching and burning in your vagina and vulva.
White discharge that usually looks like cottage cheese. But it can compass from thick and not clumpy, to restrained yellow, to withered and clear.
The discharge has a yeasty smell, similar to bread or beer. This is definitely a yeast infection!
A really desperate infection can cause inflammation and glow, swelling, and even pinpoint bleeding.

Note: A Yeast infection won't make you miss your spell.

What Other Kinds of Infections Are There?
A bacterial infection can feel plentifully like a yeast infection. The foremost difference is that the discharge will smell fishy or rotten, instead of like bread. The discharge can be night yellow, green, or brown.

Trichomoniasis cause more intense itching and burning, and is accompanied by a sticky yellowish discharge. Swelling and inflammation can make it throbbing to go to the bathroom. This can be harder to procure rid of than a yeast infection.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is caused by microbes infecting the urethra instead of the vagina. If you are experiencing:
pain or burning when you urinate,
bloody or cloudy urine,
have to go commonly,
pain contained by your back or lower tummy,
fever or chills,
you probably own a UTI. Untreated, it can travel through your bladder and into your kidneys.

If you don't know what you have, it's probably a honest idea to be in motion to your doctor.

How can i lose lose these inches?

well, it could be a yeast infection, or it could be that you shaved down there and didnt put any lotion on it.. or if you are using pad for your period.. you may be allergic to them or the wad may be rubbing up on your vagina... also some underwear materials that are rough and rub on your bvagina may make you itchy "down there"...

Is this too much ?

i bring that too, i found that if i TRIM my pubic hair next to scissors it goes away, a short time ago cut it as if it were conventional hair, it really works. dont shave though because that will put together it more itchy.

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