How can i take home my boobs bigger?


Wot is a tounge tornado ? x?

get fat

Is it true that the more you shave your tresses (leg, vagina, armpit) the faster and thicker they grow?

in that is no way you can actauly just receive your boobs bigger
without gaining counterbalance or getting plastic surgery

there is a old myth that eggs bring in your boobs bigger.
here are some mroe.

rubbing coco butter, powder, or cream on your boobs; putting toothpaste on your nipples; massaging your boobs or nipples; eating corn, meat, corn bread, carrot, spinach, pickles, or anything else; putting hot sauce on your butt or boobs; swimming in cold water or applying rime water. There is no scientific evidence to support any of these.

to bring in your boobs appear bigger, twist the front of your bra to push your boobs together. This will make them appear rounder and bigger
also try purchase muscle around your boobs, try curlups!

Please sustain.?

Well your chest grows at its own rate but you could make your chest firmer by doing exercises,theres arm swings theres push-ups theres weight lift. but why not be happy with what the angelic Lord gave you? I hate my big chest if it be gone tomorrow i wont care, because thats not who i am.take consideration.

Is masturbating a perfect form of excercise?

There are 4 ways actually

1)increase body fat
3)increase pectoral muscle size
4)get pregnant

Eating disorder sound out... (please answer)?

You can't. Everyone desires to increase their bust, but it's stupid to try.
And, it depends if you are going through puberty or not... If you are in puberty these days, they're bound to gain bigger.

Its be 3 months and i havent have a time of year... And i've be sick for almost 3 weeks straight... Wats wrong

you could do plastic surgery but i suggest to leave them how they are

Lawsuit against doctor, your feelings?

They don't call them WonderBras for nil!


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