Severe mood swings?

I have severe mood swings that are in a roundabout way related to PMS. For the past 2 days, I've woke up idea irritable, moody, and like I'm losing control of my anger, and impatience. I enjoy these bouts of crying, and then I'm okay again. Then I come across to go from one extreme mood (feeling aggitated) to an direct feeling similar to I need to cry. Then when I'm sensation somewhat okay, I get shaky and touch hot, in my principal and chest. I don't know what's going on, and I don't like inkling like I'm losing my mind, but, it's fear-provoking because it takes everything in me not to show these vibrations, at work, and I feel drained, at the shutting down of the day. I come home after work and adjectives I want to do is sleep!! At work, I'm constantly running around, doing things, like I enjoy all the gusto in the world, and next I 'crash' and feel resembling I need to sleep, but I force myself to hold on to going. I can't stop these feelings...what's wrong near me? I'm only 36, so I shouldn't be going through menopause!

Brown Discharge?

Two days does not a outline make. It could be masses things, a change surrounded by routine, or diet, or some other emotional problem playing out here. Give it a week to see what happen. If this trend continues and it interferes with your enthusiasm, see a doctor. It may well be hormonal. Eliminate the physical first and next move on the the intense and mental....good luck.

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Could u be pregnant?

I have a firm painful lump on my nipple!?

i have that and the dr had me on to soaring of estrgen so i am on a low dose birth control and doing fine . you have to look at what unusual meds or if you are taking anything new that could be the problem . suspend in here it will get better

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