
I was supossed to have my time of year yesterday but i dont have it. Should i be worried? Thanks!

Er, abet me (got rather a few question, any warning will be appreciated Sensitive.)?

you are only sometime late.You may not even be late a moment ago because you came on march 21 doesn't indicate you have to come on April 21.If you have be safe you should be alright.

Please oblige!! im still bleeding on birthcontrol and after i enjoy sex..why?

If you had unprotected sex, yes, be worried. Take a HPT (home pregnancy trial if your period doesn't come in a few days)

If you've missed your interval and aren't sexually active, then I wouldn't verbs. Sometimes exercise, stress, changes in ingestion habits can cause a translation in your cycle. If you miss it this month and are worried, you can always appointment the doctor.

Good luck

Right what i dont capture is?

It depends...are you sexually active?If so, wait a couple of days later take a home pregnancy test. If you lift it and its negative but you still don't get your spell, retake 1 week later. Sometimes the hcg hormones are enough to distribute you the positive test result. Also, your period can be postponed because of several factors such as stress, illness, and bulk change. Take care...:)

Women's vigour - ladies individual please =)?

depends on how out-of-date u are

if you've only had ur spell a few times then no definitely not...when girls first start getting their period their periods are totally irregular and you cannot rely on them at all! if ur elder then i would wait a week and see.if ur worried see a doctor

well-mannered luck =]


no, it happens. just expect it soon. if you freshly started, then you may skip a month, have 2 one month so on and so on. if you budge longer than 2 mon. see a doc.

Birth control...for a 13 year hoary?

no it isnt like your body is on a precise schedule. it will come. unless you dont seize it for a month or two. sometimes it might be iregular too. dont worry if you havent had sex resently dont verbs.

Why am i sooo bloated after losing 3 lbs?

You shouldn't be worried unless you're sexually active.
If you're not then NO worries.
It's conventional to be late or even skip a month.

Seriously, can someone transmit me why?

One day is not ample time to be worried! Try waiting at least a week or so.. And have you truly had sex yet? If not, don't fret yourself!

I want to finger myself?

There is no stipulation to worry. A lot of women are late or skip at times, sometimes this is cause by stress.

Period... give support to?

nah its fine
your probably irregular

GIRLS & WOMEN merely! -- i a short time ago get my time...?

no hon sometimes stress can make it late purely exersice or clean house that will get it going.

They do girls... lol?

nope. There be times where I had it a week hasty, or late. Birth control can help maintain it balanced, though.



Eating disorder quiz.. (please answer)?

While have sex, the condom slipped stale. i didn't be aware of anything going through my vagina though.?

its ok thats normal..sometimes u skip a month or two but thats totally regular

Could I be Prego?

5 month belatedly time?What give??
Brown spotting?
The pill??
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