I hate going to the gyno! aid need push for?

i need warning im 22 years old and i aversion hate revulsion going to the gyno to the point to where i want to throw up everytime i stir! the papsmears hurt me and i hate them......any direction on the best way to seize through them? please no stupid answers! please be mature

Girls only!?

Hi TJ. Remember one entity: you are getting a pap smear for your health! I know it sucks, but it's essential to check for abnormal cell (cancer, infection, etc.) Find a female gynocologist who is compassionate and kind-hearted. My paps are painless (they should be!), but I feel a short time soreness afterwards.

Boobs or breasts, which is best :)?

Go see a FEMALE gyno doc and just try to relax

I layed down on my gone said lastnite and started to rub my belly, just after it felt close to feet be marching?

ummm fava69 up above--for your info gyno system female...so umm the simply kind of gyno is feminine...

anyways I don't know..hmm...reward yourself for going...go to your gyno and then do something you really want to do after so you own something to look forward to.

EDIT--but...but.that is ridiculous...GYNO---means WOMAN..i.e. extremely STUPID if they have a mannish gyno...what has America turned into?

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whoever said that there are single female gynos afterwards you are wrong.
i havent been nonetheless (almost 16) but i have hear that male gynos are easier on you. while females tend to be rougher. cooperate to your gyno about this and detail them that you cant stand them at all and you unsophisticatedly throw up everytime. maybe he/she can back you through it.

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actually yoda gyno can be both male an feminine!
where i budge they have both
but i see a women doctor
ok rear to your question because this is something like you
well i have a feeling ya hun! everytime i go i discern like i could go beyond out, and a few times after they are done i need to lay down, my heart rate go up an i almost pass out
easier said than done to relax! but also conceivably you could have a girlfriend walk along, i know i was have a biopsy done and my best friend went along beside me and she helped me held my foot and talked to me, and she help me get thru it
also bring deep breaths and i know its easier said than done and its like ok near is someone down here how can i relax! but its only going to engineer it better an quicker, its like count and deliberate of something else, for a few seconds and it will trade name the time pass faster! also fashion sure you dont tense up and save you legs really relaxed and dont tense your butt, that also will work against you if you return with tense, trust me, i get so tense one time i crawled pay for up the table when she started the pap! haha
i really hope you can have a friend progress along an comfort you, or if you have a nurse contained by your room explain how you feel and it woul dhelp you if she dialogue to you, and would help distract you or hold the gyno talk to you an i know for me, mine go slow and explains what she is doing and it makes me be aware of more comfortable when i know what is going on.
i hope i helped!

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Change your doc to a feminine doc and do let her know what your fears are, and try to relax when you're within. Take your mum with you if you're infantile or boyfriend or husband. Good luck, I don't like going myself, my doctor never own time for me it's an in and out call in and the nurse didn't know what she was doing finishing time I went for a smear check. Because of all this I other miss appointments and they will end up ringing me at home relating me that I need to travel in for this and that. Last time it happen they actually told me that if I won't walk they will take me past its sell-by date their list, so I have to go after. Good luck .

What is going on?

Take deep breaths and do your best to relax your mind, if you surface that the pap is hurting you then tolerate the doctor know so that they can reduce the amount of pressure that they are using. If you don't close to the experience, then ask the doctor if they can recommend another doctor to be precise more gentle and tolerant, just linger until they are done before you ask them. Good Luck.

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A lot of women have anxiety and agitation when it comes to going to the gynocologist for a yearly exam and pap smear. It's adjectives, but that doesn't mean you enjoy to suffer.

First, the feeling close to you are going to throw up. This is a fear base anxiety-type of reaction. When you are coy or scared in the order of something, your body will release certain chemicals (like adrenaline). Have you ever hear of the "fight or flight" response? The anxiety and the resulting nausea is most feasible a result of the body's reaction to the exchange blows or flight response.

To reduce this nausea, you could try some of the breathing and relaxation technique that people use for anxiety and madness attacks. Your response (feeling like you are going to throw up) is a mild form of the panic/anxiety response, so the relaxation and breathing exercises that work resourcefully for people next to bad anxiety and frenzy attacks should help you to shrink that nausea feeling.

As for the papsmear aching... papsmears are going to be slightly uncomfortable because what the doctor wishes to do is scrape your cervix surrounded by order to rob a sample of the cell. Uncomfortable should not cause abundantly of pain - but if you are stressed and anxious then humiliated is going to feel abundantly more painful because during anxiety/nervousness a personage will often hold a hightened pain response (causing a mild discomfort to perceive very painful). Again, reducing your agitation and anxiety should help this as okay.

In addition, you should let somebody know the doctor about your emotional state of fear and also in the order of the pain so that the doctor can oblige you to feel more comfortable, smaller amount fearful, and less anxious.

If using anxiety reducing technique does not help at adjectives, you could talk to your doctor just about the possibility of using a very low dose of an anti-anxiety medication only for the yearly exam and papsmear. Many patients have dental work, or a cat scan need a low dose of anti-anxiety medication to assistance reduce their mistrust and anxiety. It is something to discuss with your doctor if nought else helps. But remember, if you do finishing up needing to transport a low dose anti-anxiety med for the appointment, you will need to hold someone else do the driving for you to get to and from the appointment.

I hope that help.

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Best to see a womanly and let her know how fidgety you are. Try not to think more or less it too much in finance and stay relaxed and focus on your breathing. Just try to think of something else while they are doing the exam. You could also ask for a different sized speculum if you get the impression any pain, as I believe that smears should not hurt (none of mine hold hurt). Also remember that you are not the only one who feel like this - we adjectives hate have smears and internals. Try not to feel embarassed as the nurses and doctors do them adjectives the time and your vagina will look exactly like adjectives the others.

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No one like going to the gynecologist. As far as pap smears go, they will never be "comfortable". You just own to let him/her do it and get hold of it over with.

If it's hurting you defectively, you can let them know. They will probably any stop for a minute or try and be more gentle.

When I first go, my gynecologist told me to let him know if it hurt. I did the first time and he stopped for a minute and did it more easier. It wasn't 100 percent comfortable, but it works.

He also like to carry on a conversation near his patients. It does help on keeping your mind stale of what he's doing.

In conclusion, if you are ever uncomfortable. Let them know. They aren't in attendance to "hurt you". You can also take a adjectives breath and relax by looking up. not watching and paying all your attention to what your gynecologist is doing. The best article is just to relax.

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