Why do women live more than man?


I've been spotting for three weeks very soon. Is this normal?

If you anticipate why do women live longer than men. Simple after a lifetime of nagging, PMS and everything else we want to die.

Is it a STD?

They are worth more than men.

I am 36 (nearly 37) - do you think I'm dated?

Men live...
Women fight for "freedom to live"

Does it hurt to enjoy.?

i do not think so...

Ladies, is 7 inches newly right?

You mean live longer? It's because you don't hold the same stress as a man. Enjoy your unforced life.

I hold breast implants but i want them bigger. . .?

Live longer.
It's only an average. Probably men being more rebellious, (joining the army, racing, robbing, doping, boozing, combat, etc) lowers the average lifespan a bit.

Is it normal for your labia to sort of dangle out?

according to research women are mentally strong because of the expepriences they pass throughout energy. women suffer more from the time of puberty and pregnancy. they become more tolerant to the forces of nature.men may be physically strong but nit mentaly.

Anyone taking or have taken Cymbalta? Question about sexual side effects.?

might they hold reservation to live more also

Is anyone else really horny right now? What should I do?

Bcoz God requirements woman suffer more than man!

Where can I find this?

When a grief strikes, most women express or relieve themself by crying or weeping. Men stuff everything in their heart by not letting out their emotions, although men r more sentimental n bland. This gives pressure on heart n mind n r more prone to heart attacks n BP. So their vivacity span is less.

Men r the bed winner for the family. They burn most of thier punch this way.

Is it possible to enjoy a miscarriage and not know it?

less stress helps them live longer

My mom, 48 yrs,is have a non stop menstual bleeding for months now!?

Hormones are a big use. Testosterone sets men up for some problems and estrogen protects women from some. Women tend to have more chronic illnesses and men own more critical ones. Also, women are more inclined to admit that they get the impression something's wrong while men tend to hide it and hang on to on plugging. To not show weakness is an evolutionary trait that doesn't benefit men any more. It be useful contained by a primitive setting where displaying incapacity put you at risk of predation.

The risk associated with position children was probably a great equalizer past modern medicine.

New to this but its strange I go through E.R fiday night?

because angelic lives have smaller amount life

My interval ended 5 days ago and i started bleading again. Is that conventional?

they have more moderation and kindness than man

This is shameful but, over the past 2 months, my breasts hold decreased contained by size. Is this a serious problem

its simple they have lots of manner and affection and doesnt have any discouraging habits approaching smoking and drinking.........

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How can i make my extent shorter without using the pill?

bcos women vent out their atmosphere - anger, depression, disappointment- through tears. Men can cry too but usually they dont and hence they tend to suppress all their feelings and one fine year meet cardiac letdown and taste extermination.


thts not scietifically proven .......

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