Terrible time of the month timing?

My period is due on my marriage day. Does anyone know any method (non-medical, I single have 3 weeks) to suspension it?

Even if its some dodgy old wives narrative, bring it on. Best idea get 10 points.

Inserting tampons?

Delaying menstruation is a bit more difficult then inducing menstruation.

To hitch menstruation you would have to shift for hormonal options, if hormonal birth control then hormonal medication that provides the body beside progesterone so that you can avoid menstruation on the big day, consequently once you stop taking the pill you menstruate due to the drop in the hormone. I am however going to assume that if hormonal birth control is out of the question other hormonal methods may not be relevant for you either.

I would instinctively recommend you induce your period a few weeks ahead fairly than attempt to delay it, you enjoy enough time so that you can induce your time next week when you'll hold enough uterus pool liner built up, and it's likely to be far more successful to do this afterwards attempt to delay your time of year.

Herbal methods are best as long as you know what you are taking, the advantage is however that as profusely of the herbs used for inducing menstruation are also used in inducing miscarriage they are potent plenty to see a result. I would also say to couple up next to simpler methods such as increasing your vitamin C intake to starve your uterus of progesterone or of course sex will abet too by increasing blood flow to your vagina and on orgasm releasing the hormone Oxytocin that brings on uterus contractions.

Parsley is going to be your best option for inducing your interval; this is a mild emmenagogue so it relaxes the cervix to allow menstruation to occur. It can be used any by inserting sprigs into your vagina, changing every 12 hours, or the possibly more preferred method of drinking parsley tea. Simply chop up two handfuls of parsley and place into a tub of simmering water, trade name sure the water does not boil as this will effect the potency of the herb. Leave to simmer for partially an hour, then strain and add on honey to improve the appetite and drink perhaps four times a hours of daylight, increase the amount you drink if you don't see results in a few days, just don't run overboard. Dried parsley or parsley tea bags will work too, it is freshly a case that the fresher the herb the better it works.

Other herb that are good to use would be Pennyroyal which is an abortifacient so cause uterus contractions, you prepare this in indistinguishable way as parsley tea, Dong Quai is similar to parsley contained by it's affects and again made in a similar way by using the root – individual the root of Dong Quai should be used, and it should not be used if you suffer from heart problems, cancer or take aspirin. Other herb such as Mugwort, Black Cohosh and Rue will work too, but I personally would strongly recommend parsley for inducing menstruation.

If worse comes to worse as someone else have mentioned you can always use a menstrual cup such as a Divacup, as these can be departed in for up to 12 hours minus leaking or form risk they are a lot better than tampons within general and so you can forget just about your period. If you are looking to avoid menstruation on your nuptials night after you can use softcups such as Instead or soft tampons such as Gynotex to prevent any blood from leaving your vagina during penetrative sex, a diaphragm or trilby can also be used as a menstrual cup.

Good luck in delay or inducing your period and even more devout luck for your big day! :o)

Coping mechanism?

Oh no,i got mine on my wedding ceremony night! You should ask the doctor i'm sure they can do something.

Extended from why are the vein on my chest so noticable?

To be honest, the stress of a wedding might bring it on impulsive!

Other than that, its mother natures send for, not yours!

Congrats by the way!

Switching from the pill to the patchcomplications?

Are you on the pill - couldn't you verbs to take it? Otherwise I'm sorry but you're credible to be on...

Will i get my first time?

The pill- but that is medication- otherwise no sorry.

Can you swing your menstrual cycle?

im not sure but good luck

Would any of you men use birth control if here was a pill for you?

Get pregnant!

What is the difference between "progesterin" and "progesterone"?

Maybe try going on the pill. you never know adjectives that stress of the wedding may deferral it.

Question about bf and sex?

oh no!! really unpromising timing huh. well, here isn't much you can do unless you take the pill and you can travel right through taking it! hmmm i am going to plan mine so it doesn't come on my wedding daytime.

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oh hunni im so sorry, i dont know that would be in recent times my luck too. some ppl have suggested taking the pill, possibly you could try that?!! sorry i dont know any old wives tale ! good luck and congrats xx

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IF you are on 21 afternoon birth control pills, all you own to do is keep taking them.....don't stop them on the prescribed date, only just continue taking them right on through, and your time won't come. Then you can stop them at the end of the subsequent cycle and it will start again.

If you aren't on that method, I have no opinion. You might ask your doctor for recommendations.

This is going to nouns odd?

on ur marriage day detail on to turn off.

Cervical Cancer?

Go to the OB she can provide you something so you get it immediately.. that's what they give women after have a baby if they don't grasp it naturally.

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If you be in motion to your GP he will give you a hormone tablet you thieve it a few days before your due and afterwards it stops it coming and when your ready only stop taking it and your period will arrive......I lift it every time I go on break.

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uhm, well exercise can assist delay it abit, and when you take it the flow won't be as bad. Maybe if you lug a morning after pill, its suppose to give you your extent within that distinctive week.. so that could work. There are also pills you can get at a drugstore that produce you skip you period adjectives together, however id ont kno how well that would be..


Anyways polite luck, and i hope your special day,, is absoulety fabulous haha!

How effectively intercourse near wife after 60 years?

Just in travel case a medical option which is effectual is norethisterone available at your doctors. Or you can use what is called a menstrual cup which can be gone in for hours and if completly leek free- internet searchable. Or an hoary wives tale is to do vigarous exercise from very soon onwards or even the stress of the wedding itself could stoppage it. Or you can take other contraceptives (not the pill) temporaraly. Good luck and soak up your wedding, if adjectives fails you propabley wont even remember this minor detail!! x

I stopped Birth Control have a period and immediately i am spotting like 5 times contained by one cycle, what is going on?

Ask your dr for something to delay your extent for a wk or so, or even skip it or a month so that you can enjoy ur honeymoon! SOmething close to Primulot will stop yuor periods, you steal it about 3-5days in the past your period is due and next continue to do so i estimate 1 tablet 3 times a day for as long as needed. Once you stop taking it you should obtain ur period within a few days, but remember its not contraception! Talk to your dr, or read more here:


Good luck and enjoy ur hours of daylight and honeymoon!

Birth control problems..?

i know you said non-medical but the only course that i know of is to get a course of pills from your GP. I dont know the heading but you take them for a week or two beforehand your period is due and for a few days after and this will stop it coming.

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