First obgyn appointment?

ok im a little worried...what happen at your first obgyn appontment...helpp! anything i should do to prepare? ahh so confussed and scared! HELP!

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it is OK. they do it adjectives day every light of day.
don't wear a tampon and make sure you are verbs (try and have a shower until that time the appt. ) don't wear any feminine deodorant.

if you have a manly doctor a nurse will be present but otherwise you are alone. since it is your first appointment make sure to tel lthe doctor and they will discuss you through what they are doing.

just breathe and try and relax. the nurse will evacuate you alone to dress in a weekly gown or they will give you a rag sheet to cover yourself from waist down. the doctor will come in and ask some question about your period, your general moorland and if you have any question. don't be shy ask whatever you have need of to as the Dr. has hear it all in the past and you wont shock her. also it is in private and they wont share your parents as it is Dr/patient confidentiality.

the exam will take a few minutes and you will sit at the fold of the table and put your feet surrounded by the stirrups. the speculum (kinda looks like a duck bill.)will be inserted at the hole of the vagina to make the vagina a bit wider for the exam. they will do a swab, perchance two to test for robustness (a piece of cotton on a stick), feel your cervix for vigour (with finger) and a visual exam.

the exam can be self-conscious but not painful the most momentous part is to breathe and try and relax. it will engineer the discomfort less.try and conjecture of something else and breathe :)

Can you put a new nuvaring in every three weeks?

Well are you a virgin? If so it may be rather painful..but have nought to worry something like...they stick this plastin spectical in your vagina and swab. They also stick there finger in here with some cold jelly type stuff.
Also they may check your breasts for cancer. I be scared my first time too...but within is nothing to verbs about.
Good Luck!

If you hold bumps around you breasts what is that?

I can't say this plenty, it's not bad, don't be anxious. You will be naked on the table for just a few minutes (less than 5). It's just most imagined talking. If here are any specific question you want your doc to answer, write them down. Otherwise, it will only be a basic exam, similar to a yearly physical. If you want more information, only ask!

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Relax. That is the best thing you can do to prepare. If you are not relaxed, it is going to construct it uncomfortable. Ask the doctor what is going to come to pass before the exam so he can show you the tools he is going to be using and notify you what they are for. If you would like a detailed description of what an exam entail, feel free to email me. I used to work as an exam room assistant at Planned Parenthood.

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a few things
-don't wear a tampon
-don't put on any feminine area deodorants
-when the doctor inserts the speculum do everything you can to relax and consent to the muscles dowm there relax. This should maintain it from hurting
-tell the doc this is your first pelvic exam and he/she should have a smaller speculum and use a gentler touch. Ask question. If you're curious about whats going on, ask! That's what doctors are for. To transmit you about whats going on beside your body.
-I only take a few minutes.

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I was freaked out previously my first exam, but I came out notion silly, because it really wasn't a big deal.

The first poster hit the pin on the head beside the procedure.

Just relax. Your doc will probably ask you questions roughly speaking your life, and things to preserve your mind off of it. My doc asked if it be my first time, and when I said yes, she told me what was going to come to pass before and respectively step of the way.

Congrats on taking attention of yourself. ^.^

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Everyone gets anxious on their first appointment. There's really not anything to verbs about. You step there, they will check your blood pressure and your weightiness. Your gyno will ask you a bunch of questions. (Be sure to answer them honestly.) You can also detail your gyno that this is your first visit. He/She will be extra watchful and walk you through everything. If you own a guy, the nurse will have to be present during your exam (so don't verbs about him messing around near you...)

For your exam, they stick this thing contained by you and just swab it around. Nothing to be afraid of. They will probably stick their finger in you also, and perceive your cervix. They will also do a breast exam, which is where they be aware of your breasts for any kind of lumps and breast cancer. Then, it's necessarily over.

You usually only own to undress from the waste down. If they want you to undress adjectives your clothes, so they can do a breast exam, they will put you in one of those hospital gowns. So, it's not close to you're undressed infront of your doctor. While you are changing, they will progress out of the room and give you your privacy.

My little sister is really innapropriate. She know all around sex, periods and more. Please read the details.?

Relax. It does not embezzle long.
Check out the links below.

Ladies, please honestly answer me this question. Thank you.?

Just engineer sure you clean down at hand really well. It shouldn't hurt much if at adjectives. But more than likely if you are a virgin they should not be doing a pap smear because you would not enjoy exposed yourself to HPV through sexual intercourse which can cause cervical cancer. Just don't be concerned, millions of women do it everyday and are just fine.

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im going to be completely honest next to you... ive only be twice and i absolutely disgust it everytime. not because it hurts or anything its simply because im really self concious about that benign of thing even next to my husband and i get outstandingly embarrassed... the first time i go there i be practically forced to go and i be telling my husband the complete time im not letting them do that even though i know its for my own good but truthfully when i get there and the woman talked me through it it's not so doomed to failure, it's over with extremely swiftly, you'll barely quality anything and you have to realize they do this on a on a daily basis basis. you'll be fine, i promise.

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