Is my step sister too skinny?

i'm starting to worry going on for her. she's about 5"3 and weigh 107lbs. is that too little? should i tell her mom?

PLEASE HELP! i get my period wednesday afternoon and on thursday afternoon i didn't own anymore?

No that actually a great weight for that size . Now if she go under 100 afterwards you can worry.

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I feel that's ok. She is short so that makes up for some consignment difference.

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its no need to verbs. everyone is there onw one and only way. shes probaly of late skinny. but if you notice abnormal behavior or not eating, you should explain to your mom right away


I am 5'2 and weighed 103 back I got pregnant. Now I merely weigh 105. It could be just illustrious metabolism. If she isn't eating next I would worry, but it should be fine very soon.

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It depends on her age. A 20 year old womans freight at that height should be around 115. So 8 pounds isn't a big business deal. I would worry smaller number about her immensity then almost her habits and whether or not she's intake. If she refuses to get through because she thinks she's overweight afterwards you may want to discuss her body image near her mother, but if she eats and is well then here is no problem.

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She's not underweight by definition, but she's close. If she loses anymore weight (even a pound), I'd achieve worried. However, if she looks too skinny, she probably is. Some people are smoothly skinny, while some are not. I would tell her mom simply to be safe.

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heavens no.....I'm 5'6 and 125#. (and I'm 43 years old).....she's fine...everybody is different... unless you see a problem with her intake habits...after I'd leave very well enough alone...

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No..... if she is that skinny its fine. some girls gain more weight strong other but you also have to muse that most girls don't like to put away a lot so that might enjoy a lot to do next to it..

I dont know what to do?

well i thinks her immensity is ok, but if she looks to skinny then you should notify her mother. but the average person explicitly 5'3" should weight around 115..

Tubes tied 6mths ago .. Now abnormal Period!?

I dont think thats too skinny, simply because I'm 5'4" and I weigh in the order of that much. I do not have any drinking disorders, and I try to eat vigorous.

I dont know, I'm not a doctor or anything, but if you're worried about her, after maybe you're right and you should speech to someone. Try talking to her first though back you approach her mom.

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She is fine. If she dips lower than 100, or you can see her bones, then bring in a move.

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That is definitely a glowing weight for her if it is pure. If you notice that she isn't ingestion then it become an issue.

Can you answer this question?

I don't muse you have to verbs about her for in a minute because that is an just what the doctor ordered weight for someone her increase. If you notice she isn't consumption or is dropping some pounds maybe you should collaborate to her mother then. To be sure check out the website below.

What diet will brand name me lose 20 pounds in 30 days exactly?

Your such a devout sis,
that is fine for her age and rise!
take consideration

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