Ladies near painful period, I need your back!!?

I am 34 and use to be on the pill for years and 3 years ago I became severaly allergic to all kind as I tried them all. I never have pain, cramps, much smaller quantity any bad side effects. Now I hold regular periods as far as every 25 days but I am have a major problem. I disgust to be gross but in the first 3 days of getting my cycle I lose big blod clots and inundate a pad or tampon ususally beside in an hour so. This is starting to sort me real scraggy and just completely wipe me out. I can't even leave the house for consternation of an accident. I own been contained by bed for 2 days and I want to know is this normal? Do other women own periods that suck the enthusiasm out of them and bleed excessively? What do you do to control it? Any foods or pills that help you or any article you can tell me well-mannered or bad would be caring. Thank you all.

Who do i own to go to to capture birth control?

You may have endometriosis. The association below will tell you more more or less it. You should see your doctor and ask about it. I own it and after I stopped using birth control the symptoms were much worse. Blood clots most the time are everyday. I put a link below for more info on it for you.

Please help out I dont know whats happening to my body?

If your experiencing such a unwieldy period to where on earth it's affecting your every day living later it's time to call the doctor. Other than birth control pills it's to some extent hard to control them.

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same article happens to me. but im 14 so its even worse.

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I did have matching problem..........I had to wear two tampons and a wipe to get through he grocery store. My Dr told me that happen to some women as we age. I now hold the Mirena IUD..........and no longer have those cruel heavy tight periods. Go see your Dr and see what your option are.

Very Depressed? What To Do?

It seems that the pills kept your length at bay for adjectives the years that you used them. From the way that you explain your situation, it is extremely possible that you have fibroid tumors. You will entail to see your doctor to be sure. If indeed you have fibroids, in that are many treatments that are used to control the excessive bleeding.

In the meantime, eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and pinch an iron supplement that is well absorbed by your body.

Things will procure better!

Is it impossible to restart a period after six years bunking off, if yes, what is the downside?

i know exactly what you mean...okay not about the blood clots but just about the cramps i get really doomed to failure cramps to the point where i can bestow bed for days...drink a lot abundantly a lot of sea...and no matter how bleak you don't wanna get up and pace around i found that drinking a lot of wet helps the cramps a bit and the bleeding some...walking even a little bit every darkness helps to but you cant only be still that's when it gets worse stay away from caffeine it make the cramps worse...and use heating pad.....those portable ones they have in a minute are far as the blood clots go consult a doctor my mom simply had impossible to tell apart thing come up to here and she wound up having to bring back a hysterectomy because when that happens....something could be wrong......

Before my spell, I feel myself drastically tired and weak for a few days. Why?

Other than birth control, WESTERN prescription has a rock-hard time controlling them.

As an experienced doctor of Chinese Medicine I can tell you that one piece that Chinese Medicine regularly treats with more nouns than western therapy is "womanly problems". The combination of herbs and acupuncture can work wonders near regulating periods, minimizing bleeding, eliminate pain and decreasing the odds of feeling "wipe out" by your menses.

I personally suffered from severe PMS and cramping for years and finally sought treatment beside an acupuncturist. It was so successful I fell surrounded by love with the prescription and went to arts school to get trained in it.

In my experience beside patients, the cessation of birth control pills can frequently lead to excessive bleeding, irregular and bloody periods. The energetics of birth control pills are stagnating; essentially they keep the body from moving get-up-and-go the way it be designed to. As a result, when you stop taking them, your body goes into overdrive mode and make a huge effort to move adjectives that stuff that the birth control pills kept in place.

As a result your bleeding have gotten heavier, you're passing clots (old, stagnant blood!), and its wipe you out because your body is working so HARD to move all the stuff that the pills kept contained by place.

My advice would be two fold. First, research acupuncture a bit, here is a contact to a page about acupuncture and menstruation:

The UK interconnect on this page is to a british site, but the information is valid.

Then, if you think it may be right for you, find a practitioner who have experience working with OBGYN patients. Acupuncturists tend to specialize so ask around. Also, here is the national pattern page for the states, listing adjectives nationally licensed practitioners.

Lastly, breed sure that you are eating foods large in iron to avoid becoming really anemic as a result of the blood loss. Here is a intermingle to a page listing an assortment of foods.

Good luck! I know how horrible it is to be completely debilitated by your time.

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I have symptoms similiar to yours, in my luggage it was endometriosis.

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Plase discuss this beside your doctor. I had same symptoms for years. I finally have a hysterectomy. My blood count was track too low and it didn't have time to build up back the next term. There are things that can be done for you.

I had diane for 21 days and within the 7 free days i have no bleeding what can i do?

Ooooo.....that's what I be going through. I found I had some fibroids. In certainty, I became anemic and still am. It is not typical! I'd be out somewhere and I'd saturate two of the Maximum Protection pad by Always. The blood would go through the pad, down my legs and onto my shoes. It's good my sports car has vinyl sitting room....

I'm on Depo-Provera and it has help immensely. It took a few months to really kick contained by. After a year or so, I shouldn't have any period.

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