Will surgical ablation support?
Answers: yes it will help and that is to say the next step after the hormone therapy fail ,.
I wish could offer more facilitate but here's what i know. I just had NovaSure(ablation procedure). A few days ago. The Procedure be very simple and no pain. I be on my period when they did it and went from alot of term related pain to none, same with the flow alot to none. There is some clear drainage but no blood.
I found within my research results very depending on person and type of procedure but most experienced little discomfort with procedure and recovery (as i did). Then preiods decrease to nothing or almost nothing. Some still have pain with period some didn't. I will know in the future.
I hold had this stuff since 13 yr old, be through lots of stuff. I have really tried to avoid any form of historectomy. Everyone i know who's gone that route has have trouble.
The depo, shot stopped my periods and all related headache completly. That may work for you as a trial or till you go through menapause. I didn't stay with it for more than a few years because of the chemicals and wanting children. I did that to switch on with to since i did want children in the adjectives.
Since you are done with children the ablation does seem a logical odds to try to avoid historectomy.
Be sure to use NovaSure though. It is the latest and has by far the best results surrounded by everyway. If your Dr. doesn't do it have him recomend someone who does.
As for the cysts and tumores mine are wait and see. In the connote time less blood , less spasm, still having my body intact, with conventional hormone activity is a great option.
Best wishes to you;)