Is it impossible to restart a period after six years malingering, if yes, what is the downside?


If one is going on workmens comp. also paying child support, will support pmts. be dispensed f/ workmens comp?

you really need to see your gp to discuss this situation, he/she is better qualified to give you an answer

What does it indicate if when your having sex the girls vagina stinksis it suppose to smell that method?like fish?

why be it absent? birth control reason? or is it because of low weight...?

Just finished Flagyl, presently feeling urgency on closing day of treatment, back!?

Your bigger issue is why haven't you had a term in 6 years? That is a focal issue. Especially if you are still a teenager to mid-twenties. Please see you doctor.

Is it okay to.(WOMEN)?

Yes it it possible to restart your extent by getting your hormones back within balance

Like the others I would say it wasn't a virtuous idea to own them stopped for so long see Http:// on how hormones should work

However now you need to do something about it presently. You may wish to do the on flash hormone tests at or

If as I suspect they recommend you acquire hormones please have a saliva oral exam done see or A saliva test will check out active hormones something that blood test do not. The WHO (World Health Organisation) uses saliva tests.

If a hormone is suggested by the saliva check please take the dose suggested. Size 10 shoes are not twice as flawless if you have size 5 foot.

A transcript of a John Lee talk I enjoy transcribed John Lee's December 2002 & June 2003 talks
Any of these talks explain why for active hormone level a blood test is worthless. Blood test find hormones, but they are the ones on their way out of the body have done their work. They are not the active hormones.

I would rely on a saliva assessment to confirm the requirement for progesterone or any other hormones.

There is a list of doctors at who are aware of the benefits of unprocessed progesterone they may be more helpful than your GP. Maybe you are almost to educate your GP up to that time using the hormones.

In countries other than the UK at hand are doctors knowledgeable almost natural progesterone and other hormones

Natural progesterone ability natural to humans i.e. the same to that produced by the human body.

For a good explanation of how necessary natural progesterone is to humans see
and other page on this site

Wild yam is that Wild Yam the body will not convert it to progesterone. Also do not take fake/synthetic progesterone/progestins manufactured by the drug companies they will be of NO benefit.

After have done a saliva test I would suggest you articulate to one the NPIS ones or your own GP, before you buy progetrone which must be pure progesterone USP. USP means United States Pharmacopoeia.

If you skip to the shutting down of there is a flawless summary -- 22 Susan Aschoff - St Petersburg Times Summary

When your hormone balance is better you''ll be well again. All the best

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