Health cross-examine?

So my best friend says when she pees it kinda stings and she feel bloated and it is cloudy in colour and have a strong kind of ammonia close to smell? What would this be?
She says when she drinks abundantly of water it go away and if she has cranberry liquid also. It only comes along every so normally and kinda makes her want to pee lots
Has anyone have this before if so what is it? and what cause it?

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Urinary Tract Infection requests to be treated by a Doctor, with a Rx of Anti biotic, The cranberry liquid is good course to prevent an URI and can be used regularly. If not treated it can develop into a kidney infection. Have her go and see a Doctor.

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sounds similar to a urinary tract infection. pretty common but glib to treat. try making sure to pee after all sexual stir to flush the tract. if that doesn't help and they are frequent she should see a doctor rationale it can be a side effect of some diseases.

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