Yeast Infection?

So I'm sitting here, eatting a yogurt tube with what I guess is a yeast infection.

I've had yeast infections earlier, actually. Just once. This time, instead of itching, it's a lot of goopy build up; Like I'm holding contained by a chamber of sperm or something. Super gross. So I thought about it and said "I probably have a minor yeast infection", get 7 day monostat, and just injected it within

And it started ITCHING real bad.

Now, does this be going to I don't have a yeast infection? Does it mean it's tackle the problem and I do? Because last time my vagina itched so bad I would've never of be able to tell if it made me itch. I merely wanna make sure I'm not hurtin my vagina. Kids gotta come out of their someday...

And I don't have money to ask a doctor. Any philosophy?

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The confusing part about yeast infections is while they are self cured, their symptom actually increase.

This is because the Candida Albicans fungus (the cause of the infection) is dying stale. When this fungus dies off, it releases toxins that exacerbate the symptoms.

See how you feel surrounded by a week and then decide if you want to call your Gynecologist.

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Well; did you get the moninstat itchy cream too? That help, and usually yeast infections happens because in your diet you probably chomp through too much sugars. Try to eat less sugar (like sodas, cookies, etc) and see if it help, and if you already finished using the moninstat 7; wait 10 days. If the infection doesn't goes; later buy another moninstat that has the itchy cream too, and use it again. If doesn't goes the infections after you finished this second treatment, later you will need to go and see a Doctor. Good Luck

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Yeast infections are so adjectives its ridiculous and they always seem to come at the worse times. I have it for 6 months at one point which was a real low point and I despicable the idea of using all those chemicals so I did some research on the internet and found one exceptional website so useful since it was completely inborn!

In my experience it has been the merely thing that got rid of my infection for accurate!
If you want to give it a try you can find it at

Good luck hun!

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It's normal. Monistat can kind the itch way worse at first, but keep using it.

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