Why do I sleep about 12-13 hours? that feel abnormal for a 20 year old-fashioned woman.?

I feel fine when I get up up but I don't understand why my body wants so much sleep! I don't think this is regular! I read that adults only call for about 8 hours and I'm almost and fully fledged so shouldn't my sleep time be decreasing?

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Could be from lack of exercise or depression. Or both.

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yeah i got indistinguishable problem.. im 18 ..
maybe its cuz of staying up slowly or not gettin complete rest all dday..

or possibly cuz yu know that yu dun have anything to do :-s

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I would not verbs about it untill you are an mature, u say your almost so when you are after be worried. It could just be that your inefficient, i was pretty idle at 20 too. Get a job or something that will put together you get up contained by the morning.

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I have other been one who does best on roughly speaking ten or eleven hours a night. Eight have never been satisfactory. You may need to sleep that long because you don't go and get enough of one of the stages of restorative sleep.

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Get yourself checked by a doctor. Sleeping too long can be a sign of medical problems.

In the meantime, set your alarm so that you'll get up at a likely hour.

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its' a proven certainty that people contained by their late teens and hasty 020s need more sleep than folks in their 30s... relish the ability to sleep a long time and don't stress roughly speaking it... also if ur in college or working and going out with ur friends ur using more spirit than before but necessarily it's been proven within a few medical studies that people within their late teens and hasty 20s need more sleep due to the hormones and growth of ur body... i'm 25 and when i told my doctor that on a saturday or sunday i can sleep for 13 hours and stir up feeling great and afterwards kinda sluggish all week after getting 8 or 9 hours of sleep he said it be completely normal.. don't stress it

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ur twenty, i would consider you an full-size! but yes, im 24 and i feel matching way. on the weekends i can sleep till 1-2pm beside no problem. i work during the week and it is a complete strugle to get up at eight. im slow to work all the time because my body of late feels so comatose and sluggish that i cannot move. i dunno what it is. i dont eat terribly healthily an im pretty skinny so i feel resembling i just don thave the vivacity. it could be low sugar. if u are seriously worried about it your doc can run some test, but otherwise u may just own to deal near it.

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