If I run 4 miles a day and diet how much freight do you think under the weather lose?

In the begining of May I started dieting and went from 166 to 145 Yowza! lol 20lbs. woo hoo so very soon i wanna add exercise...I wanna look HOT and ive get 60days until school.SO dispense me your thoughts...thanks

-prettyface with a potbelly

For girls impose guys wounldn't know..?

i would now do the atkins diet and follow it to the letter and you will amaze yourself and when you step back to conservatory they will all be motto.wow is that you! combine it with exersize and when you find to your ideal wieght run back to what you did up to that time.some amazing results can be achieved by mixing the two.

i know because i did it lol

Monthly cycle?

just stick to it and youll be down to 120 or smaller quantity by the time school starts

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probably anywhere from 10-20 more pounds. however...i am not sure. try checking google and see what other folks think. here is the connect to google and GOOD LUCK!!

Do any of you ACTUALLY get mood swings during your spell?

if you keep that up you can lose adjectives you wwant, at least down to your great weight for your distance from the ground and build.

I cant orgasm and its stressing me out!?

oh ya, that is definetly going to relieve you lose weight, cardio is definetly push button, you will lose weight close to the snap of a finger especially if you lost 20 pounds in a little over a month, your gonna own the body you want by school if you do this!! apt luck!!

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I lost about 20 pounds within 2 or 3 months when I started running. You might not lose that much because you already lost 20 (congratulations by the way!!) but you will look close to you did. You should probably also add surrounded by some weight lifting or sit ups freshly to tone up.

Is it normal or money something that your partner wants to enjoy sex in the anus?

If you run 4 miles at least possible 4 times aweek you will see great changes! Good chore on your weight loss so far!

I've never have an orgasim!!?

I would begin adding up in counterbalance or resistence training. Maybe 2-3 days/week. Keep up with the cardio as capably. Once you do, I wouldn't pay so much attention to the amount because muscle weighs more than cooking oil, but it's more compact and you will therefore look tighter and more toned. It's more in the order of how your clothes fit and look on you than your weight. Weight position exercises are especially important for women...they aid increase your bone density.

Re: the post about Atkins...you can try it if you resembling, but it's incredibly difficult to stick with. If you do try it and afterwards go subsidise to eating any carbs latter you'll gain the weight put a bet on. Some people can live their lives intake like that, however most cannot.

Make sure you're also drinking plenty fluids...mostly water...if you're not drinking ample, you'll hold on to more weight. I've set people to lose up to 7lbs within a week by adding surrounded by the proper amount of water and adjectives out any sugar drinks.

Hope this helps...suitable luck!!

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