White discharge in a girl?

I finished my menses 2 days ago. today while havig oral sex next to my boy friend, i could observe a white discharge contained by my vagina!

Why does it happen? Does it take place only when i bring sexually aroused? or is it common surrounded by a girl? and do i feel cramp in my tummy beside white discharge?

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Normal vaginal dishacrge is any colorless or milky white, mostly if you are close to getting your period but does not enjoy an unpleasant smell.
The normal vaginal discharge is thicker at specific times of the menstrual cycle (at the time of ovulation), during breastfeeding, or during sexual arousal.
So don't verbs, as long as it doesn't itch or burn.

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It could be sexual arousal( run of the mill lubrication).
So what do you mean you observed it while have Oral sex ?

It should be fine unless it starts to be a greenish/yellow color and/or have a foul odor.

Oh and Itchiness.

GIRLS ONLY PLEASE! women problems!?

When I first notice it, I was worried that I be sick. But then I found out that that sort of discharge is run of the mill for adult women. It act as a lubricant, and is not harmful.

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your fine a female is other going to have a white discharge its ordinary for a female

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