Caught masturbating to porn BY MOM!!?

ok well im a 14 year frail girl. and i was masturbating to porn yesterday when my mom unlocked my door near a key and i didnt kno it till it be too late, and she come right in up to me, and be like, "where on earth'd you get this,? do u own more?"
i gave it to her and she disappeared....t'was a hugely uncomfortable moment ... but do you regard that its wrong masturbating and watching porn at my age?
ive been doing it for years so i really dont see whats wrong near it... what should i do im really embarresed she caught me?

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hahahahha (sorry..u know thats kinda funny!)! wellllll maybe do it when you know nobody is gonna ambush you....

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Being 14, you probably shouldn't have porn - you can't buy or rent until you are at smallest 18. Masturbation is totally normal.

I discern so pathetic?

Don't verbs about it... she watch the porn and did the same entry after she took it from you.

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No thing what age you are...being caught surrounded by this predictament is embarassing to everyone. Your mother was probably embarassed also. It is typical to feel sexual and if you be in a private place (which you were) than don't discern discomfort over having self happiness. As for the porno magazines/etc.; that is okay also but some family find it to be too offensive. Your mother may surface you are not mature plenty to see those kinds of pictures. If your Mom apporaches you give an account her you want to satisfy yourself so you won't own sex. That may make her surface better. And keep that promise.don't enjoy sex and wait till your much elder!

Ewww do u wanna hear something gross!?

Muffin rubbin is one thing but the porn under 18 is not certainly legal. However your parents will enjoy something to watch together subsequently and I would not recomend walking into their room, you wont like what you will see.

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that sux. I masturbate to but I do it in the bathroom or tardy at nite in bed. it cud be worse - cud been ur dad caut u

Does anyone hold a link to a guaranteed question?

Your mother should be the one who should be aware of embarrassed! Seems as though she have some hang-ups about sexuality! If I be you, I would just step about my business as if nought happened, making no mention of this event. My bigger concern would be of the withdrawal of respect of your privacy!

What if?!!?

I knew I be going to laugh reading girl question!! are 14 and already masturbating? You are not going to go to jail because of have porn. Maybe the clerk that sold that to you, but not you. I don;t recommend you to have sex at that age because at hand is a big risk you can get cervical cancer and other complications subsequent in you natural life. U are going to have greatly of uncomfortable conversations beside mom about sex from in a minute on so get geared up hahahaha lock you door first the next time!! ;)

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Aww, i am so sorry for your discomfited moment. It must have really taken the fun out of a totally enjoyable experience. I am sure your mother is more mortified than you, and the ball is contained by her court actually. She is the grown-up and if she requirements to bring it up let her, otherwise purely try to move on. I be doing the same things at your age, it is without a flaw normal and intuitive. I am now 32, be married 10 years, incredibly happy, and I still do it. (actually I get snagged today by my husband, but that is a unbroken different ballgame. lol) Good luck, and cheer up. In the whole plan of things it will make a great story contained by 20 years.

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You sound resembling a normal clean 14 year old to me. Your mum will freshly have to promise with it contained by her own way. You should only pretend that it never happened and individual talk roughly speaking it if your mum raises the subject.

Give the porn a miss! You can still masturbate - a short time ago imagine your beside some hot guy you totally dig!

Oh, and nickname me boring, BUT your too young for sexual intercourse but. Just keep masturbating for immediately. Make sure your Mum doesn't come into your bedroom without knock! You are entitled to your privacy at your age.

You will look back and roll with laughter about this in the future!

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