Cure for vaginismus?

does anyone know how to overcome this condition?

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The cure for vaginismus is different for everyone. Most women will enjoy to use a set of graded dilators which you can any buy online ( or you could use vibrators, or even homemade dilators (candles, vegetables, tampons, or fingers!). So for example, you would start with a drastically slim dilator, then as you get comfortable with that, you would move up to one which is slightly thicker and so on until you can insert a penis sized intent. Then you are ready to try intercourse! It is vitally a case of showing the vagina, and the woman beside vaginismus, that inserting objects into her vagina doesn't have to hurt.

Make sure you use lots of lubricant on the dilators as it make things so much easier and many relatives find it helpful to be aroused when they dilate as the vagina will after not only stretch, it will produce it's own organic lubricant.

There are other things you can do to help cure vaginismus, you can try yoga, pilates, sensate focus exercises (basically a special work program which involves gradually moving up to touching the genitals), physical treatment, therapy contained by general, hypnosis, alternative therapy, and even botox.

It really depends a lot on the severity of the vaginismus but in most cases, you should be capable of cure it with dilators and lube alone. If not next I would try a therapist and solely after that would I consider trying any of the other things - except for the sensate focus massage which you might want to do because it's fun :o)

Be aware that curing vaginismus is a process that can nick time. Some get over it contained by a matter of weeks, others months, and some rob years to cure it completely.

By the way, somebody else have answered and said that vaginismus is generally a response to childhood trauma or something? Well specifically absolutely not true. As someone who have studied vaginismus widely, and is actually carrying out her own research on vaginismus, the majority of women who own vaginismus did not experience any childhood trauma. In fact, lots of women simply don't know why they enjoy it. So yeah, that's a myth and vaginismus can be caused by adjectives manner of things!

All the best,

Gayle x

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it can be that there is a psychological problem that's cause it - in which grip you have to do business with that since you'll have any physical restructuring

What do you think?

the condition is commonly a post-traumatic stress reaction to a childhood trauma. own the sufferer visit a medical doctor to rule out any condition that physically may explanation the symptoms. the doctor can give her a referral to a pyschologist who specializes within sexual dysfunctions, if needed. is she goes the counseling route, it will be a long and exhausting voyage. the payoff is a healthy sex energy in the adjectives.

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I know someone who have this condition and she bought a kit online which come with back guides etc and also increasingly sized vibrator things (which dont vibrate btw!) to obtain the vagina used to taking something inside again. Obv start small get bigger..!i conjecture it came near info on what exercises to do with these over a time of time. I would get checked out formerly using this and maybe look at the mental side of it but this may give a hand. sorry i havent got any websites but it be a while ago but if you search online im sure you will find it. I imagine it was roughly lb30 and it really helped her.

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Yes. You will call for a set of graduated dilators that you can purchase online at You must be vastly proactive in your dream therapy or it won't work.

Good luck.

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