I enjoy a serious quiz in the region of menstrual period...?

I know everyone has hear this but I have to ask how does intercourse relieve a period to start?

Answers:    For one it increases the blood flow to your vagina that stimulates uterus shedding, but mostly it comes down to orgasm. During orgasm it is believed that a hormone which cause uterine contractions is released called Oxytocin (a hormone also released by the body during labour), which can help out to push out menstrual material, the relaxation that follows can verbs up the cervix allowing for menstruation.

Thus why it is often nominated as a method for inducing menstruation if a woman is late or wishes to bring on her period rash, also used as a way to aid within inducing misscarriage (home/herbal abortions). That's not to say if you enjoy sex or masturbate while pregnant you will misscarry, you would have to be activly attempting to misscarry next to abortifacients or/and emmenagogues for sex or masturbation to aide in induced misscarriage.

I suggest people are getting confused and imagine you mean that sex cause periods - If specifically what you're asking then sex doesn't do that, it can just help your time to start if you are already close to having your term - such as if you are late for your interval, or you are due your period surrounded by a few days time.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytocin - Wikipedia entry on Oxytocin, see also Sisterzeus for 'inducing menstruation'/'herbal abortion' - http://www.sisterzeus.com
Intercourse doesn't have anything to do next to the menstrual cycle. Everyone may have hear this too, but I'm gonna go through it anyway.
At the downfall of a period, the uterus once again begin creating a soft lining of blood and tissue. When the inside layer is finished there is a soft, strong, pool liner especially created for a fertilized egg to attach and begin growing. Half route through this, an egg bursts out of one of the ovaries, travels down the fallopian tube, and reaches the shutting of its travel in the presently ready uterus. When the egg is not fertilized the cycle is close by completion as the uterus sheds its lining, and the time of year commences. Then the cycle begins again.
It doesn't start your extent. Sex causes your muscles to relax and hormones sort you fancy sex just previously you are due a period. So it purely feels similar to that is what started it. it doesnt really
the singular time i have hear of it helping is when a girl is too stressed. it helps relax her, and when she's relaxed, her interval comes. scientific reality - there is no nouns between periods and sex. if u have a period after sex, consequently its just a coincidence. some sort of urban fairy story that connects sex and periods!

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