14 and 5'1. Is that short?

I'm 14 and I'm 5'1. I wouldn' be worrying BUT I've been that distance from the ground since I was 10! I swear, really. I really don't want to stay that short because I want to be high-ceilinged. The thing is that my line is short- my dad is the tallest one and he's 5'6. I also asked my doctor if there's a accident I could grow taller (since she noticed I haven't even grown an inch) and she freshly said something quietly.
Is here any way I could atleast grow to be 5'7 or 5'8?

Whats goin on next to me?

ummmmmm...dont feel doomed to failure...im 35 and only 5'2!! LOL...worthy things come in small packages :)

Menopause at 41?

there are meds for short people to trake to fashion them taller .look it up on the net.

Any suggestions for endometriosis affliction? Or helpful hints on how to business with it?

being short isn't that doomed to failure...gee whiz...besides you are probably not done growing anyway! just preserve eating right and getting exercise and you will grow to your full potential...accurate luck

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I'm 5' and 13 years old...you should grow taller! ~Don't verbs about it!

My cuz is have a swim party and i might be on my length then. am i to immature to use a tampon?

your only 14! become quiet down, you stop growing usually around 21. i was merely 4ft 8" when i was fourteen and very soon, 4 years on i'm 5ft 2 and a half! lol
facade it your just intended to be small, nothing you can do.
5ft7-8 is awfully towering for a girl anyway - the average is only 5ft 4
kylie minogue is single 5ft 3
christina aguilera is only 5ft 2
if your still self conscious consequently high heels do wonders!
hope you touch better

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No thats roughly average. Im going on 16 and am 4'11! But no i dont think that you will ever be 5'7 or 5'9 sorry!

UTI, pregnancy, or something else?

there isn't anything wrong beside being short... everyone is different. i stopped growing when i be 10 (at 5'0") and now i'm 21, and my friend grew between the ages of 15-17 from 4'11" to 5'10". afterwards i had another friend who be 5'2" til her second year in college and grew to 5'9". seeing that your parents are on the shorter side you may not grow much taller, but ya never know.

Girls one and only?(unless a doctor)?

i dont know
but you are short
im 14 and 5'7

Why do girls wear ther jeans so tight that men can see there panties linesand that tightiness cant not be good

don't verbs... being short isn't other bad... but lying on that you are only 14. i am 18 and i am just 4'11".

Are diet pills safe?

its okay to be short. 5'1 really isn't that tiny anyway. lately stretch your back out to achieve taller. i suggest taking gymnastics or dance, that help you're body grow and mature faster. excersise is really correct to help the body stretch out n grow. try some subsidise bends, and find different ways you like to stretch to back you grow.

I have Had my period for 4 weeks now?

there is no agency to make yourself grow taller.

I am 33 and 5 foot short.

You are solely 14 so you may still grow.

You should have asked the doctor to voice her answer louder.

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